224 items
Trinity Community News April 21, 1904 and Correction
A newspaper article of Trinity Community News titled "Trinity Items." It reads,
"The Lutheran brethran organized Sunday school at their church at this place last Sunday.
C. E. Bolton's new house is nearing completion and he will soon be snugly situated again.
J. K. Snider has made some material improvements in the way of fencing around his house.
T. D. Layman has moved to our village, and will soon be in his new house.
C. D. Hylton has sold his goods and rented his store house to T. D. Layman. Mr. Layman is now ready to serve the public with good bargains.
C. D. Hylton is clerking at Troutville for Paynter, Layman & Co.
The Brethrens District Conference, held at Daleville last week, was largely attended. Delegates from North Carolina, West Virginia, and Floyd, Patrick, Franklin, Roanoke, Montgomery, Bedord [sic] and Botetourt counties were in attendance. About forty delegates were present. The meeting was very interesting and quite a lot of business was transacted. H."
A correction posted in the next week's issue read,
In the Trinity Items, in our last week's issue, it was stated that 'C. D. Hylton was clerking for Messrs. Paynter, Layman & Co., at Troutville," when it should have been D. P. Hylton." -
Trinity Community News August 6, 1953
A newspaper article of Trinity community news, which reads,
"Trinity Personal News
The Community club met Monday evening and heard an explanation of the Bloodmobile by Mr John Preston, Miss Jane Preston and Mrs H. Y. Weeks. A movie on tractor accidents on the farm was shown.
Mrs Dana Echols of Clay, W, Va was a recent guest of relatives here
Mrs Carl Snider's mother, Mrs Porterfield of Roanoke is visiting the Snyders.
Mr and Mrs Charles Sprinkle have returned from a trip to Richmond.
Mr and Mrs Bob Ray and children of Burlington, N. C. are visiting the Randolph Firestones.
The A. V. Grays have returned from a vacation in Pendsylvania. [sic]
Recent guests of Mrs Charlie Stevens were Mr and Mrs E Smith, Mr and Mrs V Gray Mr and Mrs A Rowe of Pensylvania. [sic]
The H. D. Club meets with Mrs Burner August 18 at 8.
Dr G. A. Layman of Roanoke was dinner guest of Mrs Anna Huff recently. He is writing a history of Botetourt County.
Mrs RayMond [sic] Hundley returned home Monday from hospital.
Mr and Mrs H. K. Meredith and children of Hatcher, W Va. and Doris Meredith of Pulaski were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs K. H. Meredith.
Mrs J. D. Egglesto of Roanoke spent last week with Mrs W. W. Poff and mrs [sic] C. M. Powell.
Mr and Mrs Frank Courtney of Ohio are visiting the Jack Campbells.
Mrs T. F. Rader and Mrs Kenneth Obenshained the Fincastle Methodist choir in honor of Miss Ruth Carson, a county nurse who is leaving Botetourt.
Mr Al Othyn of Pleasantville, N. J. is visiting the Woodrow Bltons." -
Trinity Community News July 3, 1953
A newspaper article of Trinity community news, which reads,
"Trinity News
The Community picnic at Peaks of Otter Sunday was a huge success. The oldest person there was Mrs. Jerry Rieley and the youngest was her great-granddaughter little Nancy Bowman.
Mr. Edmond Layman of Covina, Calif., is spending some time with the C. A. Laymans'.
Mrs. O. E. Sprinkle is visiting her daughter Mrs. C. Harris in Richmond.
Mrs. Bill Koontz is on a sight seeing trip of Europe with friends of New York and Washington. They landed in Plymouth, England, July 8th and are now in Holland. They expect to visit Paris, Rome, Switzerland and many other points of interest.
Lawrence Webb is visiting his sister in Lynchburg.
Miss Elizabeth Loan is attending the Brethren Camp at Camp Bethel.
Mr. N. C. Hinchee of Weirton, W. Va., is visiting his sister Mrs. O. W. Harper.
Mrs. J. K. Snyder and grandson Gerald, and Allen Caudill of Roanoke, spent several days with the Jim Snyders at Wheatland.
Mrs. Mattie Maupin and Genevieve of Roanoke, spent the weekend with Mrs. C. W. Firestone. Her daughter Eunice and husband have been transferred to Hawaii and her son Beverly Maupin has been inducted into service and is now at Camp Meade, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Burtner and son spent several days with her parents in Richmond, and on their return went to see the Common Glory at Williamsburg." -
Trinity Community News March 31, 1904
A newspaper article of Trinity Community News titled, "Trinity News." It reads,
"Sunday school was organized at the Brethren's church at Trinity last Sunday tat 9:30 a. m.
Our community sympathizes deeply with Mr. E. W. Reynolds in the loss of his large barn and contents by fire on last Saturday night. We learn there was no insurance.
Mrs. Mary Hylton of Lopees, Floyd County, ha rented the W. R. Reiley farm and has moved the most of her property down. Her daughter, Miss Lala, and son Master Clovis, will be valuable additions to our young society. We welcome the entire family, together with Steven Weddle, in to our community.
Mr. J. C. Layman is constructing a house on main street of our village for his son Mr. T. D. Layman to occupy.
Mr. J. W. Summer of Alleghany county has just moved into our community, and we think his move is a good one. H. D. C.
[The above interesting notes were received too late for last week's issue]" -
Troutville Hunt Club With Trophies
Article and photograph of the Troutville Hunt Club. Photograph is of members in front of a selection of mounted trophies. Members mentioned include C. E. Kinzie, W. R. Rieley, T. M. Matheney, E. C. Firestone, Fred Showalter, O. O. Reynolds, G. B. Kinzie, Raymond Kinzie, Eugene Strickler, and Ray Firestone. -
Uncovering a family's history: Philip Firebaugh rode to Botetourt 'with his saddle bags filled with gold'
A newspaper article which recounts the revitalization of a cemetery owned by the Firebaugh family as well as an accounting of the Firebaugh lineage and history. Photos include Tommy Firebaugh, the Firebaugh family cemetery, and Stonelea, the original homestead on Philip Firebaugh's property. -
Upper Catawba Community News May 12, 1904
A newspaper article of community news for upper Catawba. It reads,
Editor Herald: - Business is looking up all along the line in this section. We have almost a town here now, if we could select good men to run it. The telephone system now runs up as far as Mr. T. J. Vandergrift's. They want to put it clear through Main Street, but no more can get on the present line. Some of the citizens are raising a howl, because they cannot knock some of them loose from the present line and get on it themselves.
It seems that some folks think that the world would fail to move if they could not work the throttle. They want to run the railroads, the trains, the electric company, the telephone system, agricultural department, religious affairs, and, if possible, would try to forestall Providence. In fact, and in short, they want the world.
There is one fact that ought not to be, (if it were otherwise our town would build up real fast) and that is that some of the real estate holders are asking $100.00 for lots scarcely big enough to whip a medium-sized {...}, and John Bryant has already made a fence right through Tinker Knob Ave.
We are sorry to note that Mrs. Mary Cunningham, who is eighty-six years old, fell recently and sustained injuries, from which she will hardly recover. Brother Peleg says the oldest person he ever knew was ninety-three years old. We have known at least two, who are dead now, and who attained a greater age, one of them reaching ninety-six years. We also know Mrs. Armstrong, who is still living and active at the advanced age of ninety-eight years.
We think that our law-makers ought to enact a law exempting all men over sixty-five years from capitation tax. The 'Lone Star State' has such a law and is still moving on in prosperity. Why cannot the Old Dominion have it, too?
We greatly enjoyed Miss B. O. Gardner's letter in last week's HERALD and await her next with eager expectations.
When T. J. Vandegrift and B. M. Coffman erect their general mercantile establishment, business is going to hum. Their resources are boundless and they have the pluck, nerve, backbone, and grit to push everything they undertake to its utmost capacity. Tom Twist. -
Virginia Can Factory and Hafleigh Button Factory
Photographs of Virginia Can Company and Hafleigh Button Factory with employees standing in front. The buildings are located at 19318 Main St, Buchanan.
In 1905, Oscar C. Huffman built a complex of buildings on Main St for his Virginia Can Company and Continental Can Company. They were later sold to Mr. Hafleigh, and became Hafleigh Button Factory. Later, it became the MTI Groendyk Manufacturing Company. -
W. A. Ransome Livery Stable in Buchanan
Photograph of W. A. Ransome in front of his Livery Stable on Lowe Street in Buchanan, posing with horses and a buggy. Ransone opened the livery stable in 1898 and operated until 1927. A sign on the building reads, "DISTRIBUTOR OF THE FAMOUS BANNER BUGGIES. THEY NEVER WEAR OUT!" -
Wasp Rock Tunnel
Photographs of Wasp Rock Tunnel on the James River in Buchanan.
Approximate latitude, longitude +37.54608, -79.65649. -
Webster Arch Construction
Black and white photographs of the progress of the construction of the Webster Arch. -
Wheatland Community News August 20, 1953
A newspaper article of Wheatland community news, which reads,
Capt. Marie Honts has been assigned to duty in Hawaii. She is well known here. Her address is: 8286th FFV Sta Camp, Army Hos APO 438 C-o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs II, E Stevens Jr, were Misses Viola, Mattie Myrtle and Annie.
Mr and Mrs C. W. Williamson, of Vinton were guests of Mrs Joe Allen Williamson Sunday.
Mrs Bertha Stevens, Mrs Warren Stevens and children spent Sunday in Roanoke with Mrs Hubert Otey.
Darlene Cronise was given a birthday party Sunday. Mrs C. V. Stultz and two children and Marjorie Snyder and Mrs. Warren Stevens and children were among those present.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Loope gave a birthday picnic for Roy Lee Loop at their home Sunday. Those attending were: Mr and Mrs Lloyd Loop Lynchburg; Mrs Emory Reynolds, Troutville; Mr and Mrs Robert Loope and family; Mrs Bell Loope; Mr and Mrs W. H. Williamson and Mr and Mrs M. L. Cronise and Barbara.
Betty Cronise spent last week at Massanetta Lutheran Summer assembly." -
Wheatland Community News August 27, 1953
A newspaper article of Wheatland community news, which reads,
Rev and Mrs P. E. Shealey left on their vacation yesterday. They expect to be back by Tuesday September 1.
Sunday school at Wheatland September 6 at 9:00 and preaching at 10 on account of the Sunday shool picnic at the Peaks.
Mr and Mrs Frank Herman of California; Mr and Mrs Echman and children of New Jersey; Mr and Mrs William Dotson and sons of are visiting their parents Mr and Elsom Sprinkle. They enjoyed a picnic Sunday, when Mr and Mrs A. R. Bolton, Jr., and Mr and Mrs Garland Sprinkle and children we re also present.
Mr and Mrs Leslie Booze, Mr and Mrs M. L. Cronise and daughters visited Endless Caverns Sunday.
Shirly Finch was given a surprise birthday party Thursday evening.
Mr Otho Houshan is in a Roanoke hospital.
Mrs James Cox a former resident of the community now of Kingsport Tenn. is ill in a hosoita [sic], her many friends here will regret to learn.
The Rev J. D. Utt of Roanoke is ill at his home. He was formerly pastor at Wheatland.
Miss Glorea Craft and Norwood Painter were married at Wheatland Church Saturday night. Many relatives from Staunton, Covington, Clifton Forge and Roanoke attended.
Mrs Ora Powel Smith was buried at Wheatland Tuesday.
Mrs Katherine Smith and family of Blacksburg visited her parents, Mr and Mrs Tom Williamson Tuesday." -
Wheatland Community News August 6, 1953
A newspaper article of Wheatland community news, which reads,
The Missionary Society will meet with Mrs. Howard Loope Wednesday night, with Mrs. Otis Frazier as leader. The newly organized circle will meet Wednesday night with Mrs. H. M. Williamson.
Mrs. P. E. Shealy who has been on the sick list is much improved.
Mr and Mrs. Thurston, Moomaw and sons Michael and John, Mr and Mrs. Garland Sprinkle and children spent last week on vacation at Virginia Beach.
Mrs James Larch and Mrs Annie Williamson spent Monday with Mrs. Howard Craft.
Miss Annie Booze is visiting Ike Camper and family.
Miss Anna Gray Cronise of Radford was at home over the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Cronise.
Mrs. Curtis Cronise who has been visiting her daughter in Winchester returned home last week. " -
Wheatland Community News December 16, 1971
A newspaper article titled "Community News -- Wheatland," which reads,
"The Sunday School Christmas tree and program will be Sunday night, December 19 at 7:30 p.m. at Wheatland.
The H. E. Stevens Family attended the annual Christmas dinner of the late Herbert and Bertha Stevens on Sunday, December 12 at the Troutville Town Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Loope and family were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Loope and family. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson were celebrating their 54th wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Goad attended funeral services Tuesday for Mr. Goad's sister, Mrs. Annie Stanley, who passed away on Saturday at her home near Winston-Salem, North Carolina." -
Wheatland Community News December 5, 1957
A newspaper article of Wheatland community news, which reads,
The Rev. Shealy preached the Thanksgiving sermon in Ebenezer Methodist Church Thanksgiving morning. Mrs. Melvin Buck directed the choir.
The Rev. and Mrs. Shealy spent Thanksgiving with their daughter and family in Berryville, returning home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Riley recently moved into their home on Treadwell Extension.
The Wheatland Sunday school is preparing a Christmas program.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Loope and children of Blacksburg visited Mrs. Loope's mother Mrs. Louise Craft and sister Mrs. Ed Prewbaker and family last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moomaw of Biglerville, were were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Moomaw last week.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kessler over the week-end were Mr. Mrs. M. G. plllan, Miss Annie Lugar, Mrs. L. T. Brugh and Mr. Hilton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brugh and children o'Petersburg, spent the week-end with Mr Baugh's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brugh at 'Stonedale', Troutville.
Mr. Herbert Smith who is under treatment in Lewis Gale Hospital, Roanoke, is improving." -
Wheatland Community News January 5, 1967
A newspaper article of Wheatland community news, which reads,
"Community News --
Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson, Perry Smiley, U. S. N. and Joe Shuler of the University of Virginia, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smiley.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mattock of Arlington were holiday guests of Mrs. H. M. Williamson, Sr., other guests Christmas Day were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brieze and daughter, Amy; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Stevens, and daughter Elizabeth of Roanoke; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Booze, and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Williamson, Jr., and Mac, and David of Fincastle.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Lane, Jr., and sons of Greenbelt, Md., spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Robertson, and Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Lane, Sr. Other guests of the Robertsons were, Rev. and Mrs. P. E. Leonard and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ray Williamson and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Edwards of King William, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Suter and family of Richmond the past week end.
The Danie Cline group met Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Loope and the Laura Mundy group met with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ruble.
There will be annual Congregational January 8, after Wheatland Church after services.
Mrs. C. C. Cronise and Mr. and Mrs. Rhudy Cronise had Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cronise and family, Mrs. Helen Stultz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Broughman for Christmas dinner.
A 3/c Roy Lee Loope has returned to McDill AFB, Florida, and Terry Loope has returned to Ft. McClelland, Ala., after spending Christmas at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Loope and Ginger visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth at Blacksburg last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Foster of Cumberland, C. H. visited the Frank Rubles last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williamson and family of Roanoke, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williamson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Webble Williamson of Buchanan were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Styne Williamson." -
Wheatland Community News July 30, 1953
A newspaper article of Wheatland community news, which reads,
"Wheatland Items
Mr and Mrs Charlie Neas and Son Dnnk [sic] of Greenville, Tenn. returned home Wednesday after visiting Rev and Mrs P. E. Shealey at the parsonage.
Denny and Kenny Riely of Berryville spent two weeks with their grandparents, Rev and Mrs Shealy. Mr and Mrs Riley spent the weekend with Mrs Shealey who has been ill, but better.
Gladys Ruble who teaches in Richmond is home on Vacation.
Mr and Mrs Loyd Loop and children of Lynchburg and Frisky Smith visited in the community Sunday.
Mrs Gene Strickler visited her sister Mrs Hubert Otey, a patient in Lewis Gale hospital Saturday night. Mrs Otey is getting along satisfactorily.
Mrs Curtis Cronise is visiting her daughter Mrs Mickey McGuire and family in Winchester.
Mr Otho Housman recently underwent a tonsilectomy in the Gill Memorial hospital in Roanoke.
His is now recuperating at home. His recent guests included Mrs Belle Loop, Mrs Robert Loope, and Mr and Mrs Ernest Cronise.
Mrs Danie Styne is a patient in a Roanoke hospital.
George Baker is a patient in the Veterans hospital inf Roonoke. [sic]" -
Wheatland Community News May 11, 1939
A newspaper article of Wheatland community news, which reads,
Rev. George Derrick filled his appointment at Wheatland Sunday. He will preach next Sunday at 11 o'clock and the 3rd Sunday night at 8 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, and Mr. and Mrs. Pence from Mt. Jackson were guests Sunday of Rev. and Mrs. Derrick.
The Luther League social held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Moomaw recently was enjoyed by about 30 young people.
Miss Virginia Cronise who does practical nursing in Roanoke is spending several days at home.
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Loop of Blacksburg visited Mrs. Bell Loope and family over the weekend.
Mrs. Alice Cronise of Pittsburgh, Pa will arrive on Wednesday and spend some time with relatives here. She is a sister of Mrs. A. J. Loope.
Mr. C. W. Brewbaker who has been spending the winter in Roanoke was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Moomaw last week.
Miss Helen Cronise, spent Monday night with Gene Moomaw.
Mrs. E. B. Smith was the guest of Mrs. H. M. Williamson Friday night. She was called to Blacksburg on account of the serious illness of her father.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kittinger and children of Roanoke County were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cronise and Mrs. Nettie Cronise on Sunday." -
Wheatland Community News October 1, 1953
A newspaper article of Wheatland community news, which reads,
Communion service will be held in connection with the regular worship service at Wheatland Sunday.
Robert and Howard Loope visited their brother Loyd Loope and family in their new home at Bluemont last Sunday.
Mary Evelyn Fra[...]ier was elected missionary delegate to to [sic] the Lutheran convention at Winchester this week from Tuesday thro [sic] today.. The Rev. P. E. Shealey is also attending.
Mrs M. L. Cronise and Betty June Cronise visited the George Baker family Saturday, who recently returned from a hofpital [sic] at Elkton, W. Va. following injurie [sic] in an auto accident. They are now getting along well.
Mrs Curtis Cronise is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Micky McGuire in Harrisonburg. The McGuires have a new son.
Mr. O. T. Mundy of Roanoke, visited Mr and Mrs Frank Ruble over the week-end.
Mr and Mrs Jesse Sink, Hazel Rachael, and John Sink spent Sunday with Mrs Phil Booze and family. Mr and Mrs John Cronise and children also visited the Boozes Sunday.
Mrs Lila Williamson spent the week-end with Mrs Annie Williamson.
Mrs Sallie Shanks was buried at Andrew Chapel Sunday." -
Wheatland Community News September 10, 1953
A newspaper article of Wheatland community news, which reads,
There will be a special special service at Wheatland Church 1st Sunday in October dedicating the Hammond organ and new bulletin board.
The mission society will meet with Mrs Howard Craft Wednesday night.
The Laura Mundy Circle met with Mrs George Bake Wednesday night.
The community was shocked to learn of the serious wreck of the George Baker family at Elkton, W. Va. From reports, the entire family is in the hospital at Elkton. They were enroute to visit Mrs Baker's relatives, when the collision occurred. Mr and Mrs Baker and Billy were seriously hurt. The three younger children were more fortunate and not so badly hurt.
John Moomaw recently broke an arm. It will soon be good as new.
Rev and Mrs Shealey recently returned after spending sexeral [sic] days with their daughter and family in Berryville. They also visited Arlington, Alexandria, and Washington.
Mr and Mrs Carl Hall of Akron, Ohio visited his sister Mrs Ed Powell and attended service at Wheatland Sunday." -
Wheatland Community News September 17, 1953
A newspaper article of Wheatland community news, which reads,
"Wheatland News
Rev and Mrs Shealey returned Monday from South Carolina where they artended [sic] the funeral of Mr Shealey's sister. They also visited Mr Shealeys [sic] father in Darlington, S. C.
Mrs Elmer Shanks of Buchanan spent Tuesday with Mrs Curtis Cronise.
Otho Housman has returned from University hospital improving.
Mr and Mrs George Baker recently hurt in car wreck are in serious condition. The four children have been released from the hospital and are with Mrs Sprinkle and Mrs Moomaw.
Mrs Belle Loope spend the weekend with Mrs Howard Loope and family.
Mrs Norwood Painter of Roanoke led the mission program at the home of Mrs Howard Craft.
Mr ahd [sic] Mrs Thunston Moomaw, Lacy Smith and Arnold Ruble visited the George Bakers in the Eklton W. Va hospital Sunday.
Mrs Sidney Lipes is a patient in the C & O hospital." -
Wheatland Community News September 24, 1953
A newspaper article of Wheatland community news, which reads,
"Wheatland Personal Items
Mr. H. M. Williamson, Sr., has been recently elected Superintendent of Wheatland Sunday school.
The next missionary meeting will be held at the Lutheran Orphanage Home in Salem. Mrs Robert Loope, by special from the Home is leader. "We hope all can attend", a member said.
Mrs Bertha Stevens, Mr and Mrs Warren Stevens and children enjoyed a birthday supper with Mr and Mrs Hubert Mohler in Roanoke Friday night celebrating Susan Stevens and Mrs Mohler's birthdays.
Mr and Mrs Wilmer Cronise and Mr and Mrs Joe Robertson of Roanoke were recent guests of Mrs Belle Loope and Mrs Robert Loope.
Mr Otho Houseman is at home from the hospital improving slowly.
The last report from Mr and Mrs George Baker is that they are improving satisfactorily and expected home Thursday.
Lady Ageon Smith entered Roanoke College Wednesday for the coming session.
Mr and Mrs James T. Hester of Washington D. C. visited Mr and Mrs Lacy Smith recently.
Mr and Mrs Dinger Reedy and son visited Mrs Bertha Stevens and family recently.
Mrs Bertha Stevens, Mr and Mrs Warren Stevens and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Roy Hinebee at Hanging Rock.
Mr and Mrs R. S. Orr of Warwick visited relatives in the community recently.
Mr and Mrs Lorraine Cronise are elated over becoming the parents of a son- Curtis Lee, born in a Roanoke hospital a week ago yesterday.
Mr and Mrs Rucian Obenshain and daughter Lucile Were guests of Mr and Mrs Ernest Cronise Sunday." -
Wilson Warehouse
Images of Wilson Warehouse in Buchanan, also known as Community House. It is currently owned by the Buchanan Town Improvement Society.
Image 1 - is a postcard, labeled "Mrs. Thompson. Wilson Warehouse. Buchanan, Virginia."
Image 2 - is an undated photograph taken by Harry Gleason of Hotel Botetourt, with part of the Wilson Warehouse shown to the right.
Image 3 - is a 2023 photograph taken by Mike Pulice for the Virginia Department of Historic Resources.