340 items
Colon Hollow Cabin
Image 1: A color photograph of the Colon Hollow Cabin. -
Commencement at Daleville May 26, 1902
A newspaper article about Commencement exercises, which reads,
The commencement exercises of Botetourt Normal College will be held in the new Chapel at Daleville from May 29th, 8 p. m. to June 3rd, 10 p. m. inclusive. The events will be as follows:
Sunday, May 29th, 8 p. m. Annual Sermon to the Graduates, by Rev. Jonas Graybill.
Tuesday, May 31st, 8 p. m., Elocution and Music Recital.
Wednesday, June 1st, 8 p. m. Literary Society Celebration.
Thursday, June 2nd, 8 p. m., Address before the Alumni Association, by Rev. H. M. Canter, of Roanoke.
Friday, June 3rd, 10 a. m. Commencement Exercises, and Annual Address, by Dr. Morehead, President of Roanoke College." -
Community News January 6, 1966
A newspaper article of community news, which reads,
"Personal Items
Mrs. Louis Frantz spent the holidays with her daughter and family, Mrs. J. A. Boyd, in Henderson, N.C. She was accompanied home by her daughter and children for a short visit.
Miss Sandra Compton, Madison College senior, has returned to Staunton to continue her practice teaching after spending the holidays with her family at Willoma.
Holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Compton were Miss Lily Sands of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Sands and daughter, Susan of Rocky Gap, Mr. and Mrs. William Hepler, Meadow of Dan and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dove.
W. B. Crush, Fincastle's globe girdler, spent the holidays in Hong Kong.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown of Suffolk, and daughters, Kathy and Becky, spent the holidays with Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caldwell.
Miss Betty Anne West is on the Dean's list at the Medical College of Virginia School of Nursing for the Fall quarter. She spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Akers West.
Major and Mrs. Robert E. Poovey, Robert Warren and Halet Gray, of Smyrna, Tenn.; Kline Bolton, University of Va. Medical School and Mrs. Berta Bolton, Roanoke, spent the Christmas holidays with the W. L. Boltons.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sherman, Jr., of Orange, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sparks, of Spotsylvania, attended the funeral of their grandmother, Mrs. Blanch Bowman in Roanoke Monday. Mrs. Sherman and Mrs. Sparks are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. David Moomaw, of Buchanan. " -
Country Capers
A black and white photograph of the band "Country Capers" performing at Contrel's Barn at Fincastle Fair Grounds. David Hedge played fiddle. -
Court House Bell
A newspaper article about the former courthouse bell, which reads,
"Old Court House Bell Comes Home
Through the kindness of Mr. B. M. Phelp of Roanoke, and his hobby of tracing historic data, the old bell which hung in the old court house here which made way for the present building, was returned here this week. The present Court House, remodeled since, was authorized in 1846, and completed in 1848.
The bell was located on the property of Mrs Ethel Giveus in Craig County. Indications are that it was taken to Craig, then a part of Botetourt, by workmen who razed the old building. The bell probably dates back to 1790 when the first permanent court house was built.
The bell is considerably smaller than the present bell which has been ringing here or [sic] more than a century, which is probably the reason it was replaced." -
Coyner Springs
A postcard of of a wooded area and stream. It reads, "Partial view of grounds, Coyners Springs, VA." -
Coyner Springs Picnic, 1895
A newspaper article describing a picnic, which reads,
"Sunday-school Picnic at Coyner's Springs.
The annual outing of the Sunday-school of the First Baptist Church will be held at Coyner's Springs Tuesday, July 9. A special train has been chartered to convey the scholars to and from the picnic grounds." -
Coyner's Springs Resort March 25, 1904
A newspaper article about planned updates to Coyner's Springs. It reads,
P. M. Fry Will Rehabilitate Ancient Summer Resort in Botetourt -- Springs Were Famous in Ante-Bellum Days.
After an existence of over a century, during half of which it has been one of the recognized summer resorts of the State, Coyner's Springs, in Botetourt county, near Roanoke, is about to undergo a rehabilitation, which will put it into the front ranks of Southern resorts and no doubt bring about a condition of affairs which will make the ancient place flourish as never before.
At a commissioner's sale on the 16th instant, in Roanoke, the property, together with an adjoining tract, was bought in by P. M. Fry, manager of the Jefferson hotel, of this city. Mr. Fry and his brother have been administrators of the estate since the death of their mother, and the sale was in settlement of the estate. The figures at which Mr. Fry purchased were consequently small in proportion to the value of the property.
The spring tract proper embraces about two acres, making with the adjoining tract approximately 300 acres. This latter was formerly the James property and was eroneously [sic] mentioned in another paper as having had on it the old Fry homestead, which was in Madison county.
'Way back in the 1800 the spring property was owned by Coyner,' said Mr. Fry. 'Part of the old brick hotel is still standing. In 1862 our family bought it, and in 1865 the present buildings were erected and the place run as a summer resort.'
The property is within six miles of Roanoke, on the Norfolk and Western railroad, and about the same distance from Blue Ridge Springs. Its shaded lawn and sulphur spring are prominent features, and the picturesque resort has long continued in favor with the people of Roanoke and elsewhere.
Its proximity to Roanoke and the fact that it is directly on the line of a railroad, argue well far the success of the resort when it will have been improved and modernized.
Mr. Fry said that he contemplates extensive improvements and expected to begin the work of rehabilitation as soon as possible. At present, however, he cannot say when the work will start.
'We expect to erect modern homes and fit the place up in first-class style, making it one of the finest summer resorts in the South, said Mr. Fry.
It is understood that Mr. Fry will give the management of the resort his personal attention and that he will transfer headquarters there as soon as the contemplated improvements have been made. - News-Leader." -
Craigs Creek Community News January 6, 1966
A newspaper article of Craigs Creek community news, which reads,
"Community News
Craigs Creek
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hannah and family New Year's Day were, Mrs. Ora Hannah, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hannah, Kathy and Steve, and Mrs. Jean Loudermilk and Misses Wanda Hannah and Ellen Givens of New Castle; Miss Jewel Smith, Clifton Forge; Mr. and Mrs. James Davis of Salem; David Layman, Buchanan; Sammy Thorpe, Luray; Misses, Dixie Hale, Nancy Drukmond, Mrs. Stella Thompson and Mrs. Myrtle Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and son, Lohman, spent the holiday with relatives in Charleston, W. Va.
Mr. Herman Taylor is a patient in the C & O Hospital in Clifton Forge.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe King, spent Sunday in Roanoke with relatives. " -
Crest of the Blue Ridge
A black and white photo of a train, with a caption that reads,
This steam power package - a Y6 doubleheading a Class A - nears the top of Norfolk and Western's eastbound Blue Ridge grade 12 miles east of Roanoke in 1959. Later the head engine and the pusher (out of sight) would cut off and the lone A would handle the tonnage to Norfolk with ease. During the last months of steam thousands..." -
Cross Roads Community News June 29, 1916
A newspaper article of Cross Roads community news, which reads,
"The recent rains here have been very beneficial to the growing crops. The prospects for a good corn crop are very encouraging to our farmers.
Miss Kate Lemon, who was operated on for appendicitis week before last, in Roanoke, has recovered sufficiently to leave the hospital and will be at home the latter part of this week.
Mrs. F. W. Crush spent a few days in Roanoke with relatives and friends the past week.
Mrs. Mollie Volt, of Oriskany, her daughter, Mrs. Sam Mayes, and her three children, of Shenandoah, Va., her son, Mr. O. V. Volt, of Hinton, Va., and her brother, Mr. F. Collins, with Mr. Emmet Myers, motored over from Oriskany on last Saturday and spent a few hours with Mrs. Volt's sister, Mrs. N. C. Caldwell.
Miss Mary Ruth Lemon will return home this week after a [sic] extended visit to her uncle, Mr. T. Y. Conway, Frederick, Md.
Miss Agnes Hannah is at her home again after having taught school the past winter in Richmond, Va.
Misses Blanch and Lola Craft have returned home from a two week's visit to friends and relatives in Lexington, Va.
Best wishes to the Herald and its readers. LONESOME." -
Crossroads School
Image 1 - Katherine Blanton photograph and description of the Cross Roads Elemetnary School.
Image 2 - a black and white photograph of students and staff.
Image 3 - a handwritten paper identifying the date of the photograph as 1912 or 1913 and the people in the photograph as
first row: Ira Tucker, Ruby Painter, Callie Armentrout, Bill Simmons, Cuba Clarkson, Cecil Armentrout, Alpha Armentrout, Sidney Painter, Lucille Riddlebarger, Helen Johnson, Stella Crush, Mattie Cahoon, William Gay Craft, Mary Belle Dillon, James Dillon, Jane Switzer, Warren Haden Noffsinger, Mabel Booze, Jim Craft, Louise Myers. Second row: Henry Craft, Troy Clarkson, Ruth Myers, Robert Johnson, Herman Armentrout, Carala Lemon, Lucille Cahoon, Mrs. Mary Willie Crush, Emma Lemon, Mary Myers, Clara May Noffsinger, Mary Ruth Childs, Blanche Simmons, Agnes Booze, Ray Riddlebarger, Beulah Simmons, and Frank Childs. Third row: Clarence Tucker, Sallie Clarkson, Mary Jane Craft, Shelor Dodd, Kate Lemon, Sidney Simmons, Sofronia Tucker, Thelma Johnson, Stella Simmons, Miss Grace Charleston, Harry Armentrout, Miss Mary Ruth Lemon, Gertrude Clarkson, Mattie Noffsinger, Kathleen Myers, Harry Riddlebarger, Walter Simmons, Frank Lemon, Goldon Dodd, Sallie McFerran.
Image 4 - a newspaper article, which reads, "Cross Roads. Grantor of land D. D. Childs and al, J. W. Brugh and al, 1909. Land lying on the east side of the road leading from Fincastle to the mouth of Catawba Creek." -
Crush Residence Fire
Newspaper article about the fire at the residence of Mr. S. E. Crush. It reads,
"Residence of Mr. S. E. Crush Burned
Mr. S. E. Crush, a well known farmer living three miles west of Oriskany, had the misfortune to lose his home by fire on Friday night of last week, January 25th, together with practically all his household goods. Besides his fine residence, which was well furnished, Mr. Crush lost his dairy and springhouse and about 250 bushels of Irish potatoes, and also $75.00 in money. Messrs. Perry Wright and William Crawford, of Oriskany, who were in Fincastle last Saturday, and who gave us the information, stated that Mr. Crush's loss was placed is about $3,000.00, with small insurance. The fire started in the pantry and when discovered at 12 o'clock Friday night the side of the house in which the pantry was located was in full blaze and the fire was burning under the entire roof. It is not known how the fire originated. Mr. Crush is one of the leading farmers in that section of the county and he has the sympathy of everyone in his heavy loss." -
Daggers Community News August 29, 1907
A newspaper article of Daggers community news, which reads,
"Notes from Daggers.
We have had during the week some prominent guests at the Mountain Hall, among whom were Judge G. W. Atkinson and wife of Washington, D. C., who is ex-Governor of West Va., having served four years as governor of that state. He has also served four years in the United States Congress. He is now judge in the United States Court. They were here looking after the Daggers Springs property.
Mr. W. B. Bean, our genial and accommodating neighbor from Gala, Va., also spent the day at Daggers and kindly showed the Judge the property. Mr. Bean was well suited for this as he spent about fifteen years as proprietor of the hotel there.
Daggers Springs is a delightful place in the summer. There is not a more heathful [sic], nor quiet and restful place to be found any where. It would make an ideal summer home for people who want to take a rest.
Mr. G. E. Grief, wife, daughter, and son, also Miss Jenkins of Pittsburg, Pa., stopped over night at Mr. Hall, on their way from Natural Bridge to the Hot Springs.
Miss Sallie Crawford from Augusta county [sic], and Miss Mattie Hook visited Misses Daisy and Olivia Deisher last week.
Mr. Anbrey Houser made a flying trip to this town Saturday.
Mr. J. A. Deisher spent two days in Fincastle last week attending court.
Messrs. Lyle McClung and Frank Hannah were callers at Mt. Hall Sunday afternoon.
Mr. John Boyd, who has been spending the summer here, left for Cleveland, Ohio Friday.
X. Y. Z. " -
Daggers Community News August 6, 1907
A newspaper article of community news titled "Notes from Daggers." It reads,
"In spite of the heavy rain Friday afternoon the ladies of this neighborhood had their ice cream supper and were very successful. The proceeds amounted to twenty-five dollars, which they hope will cover the debt on the chapel here
Mrs Jennie Poague and George Poague of Clifton Forge, are spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Deisher.
Misses Grace Deisher and Mattie Hook were visitors at Mt. Hall recently.
J. B. Deisher, an employee of the N. and W. R. R. Co., at Roanoke, spent last week at his home here.
Miss Daisy Mason has returned to her home at Springwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crowder from Fincastle spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Docia Smith.
Mr. J. M. Patterson is on a visit to his home in Roanoke. Tribly.
Mr. J. B. Buhrman, Treasurer, of Botetourt county [sic], has received from the Auditor of Public Accounts a statement of his standing with the State of Virginia after his last settlement for all taxes, which showed a balance due the treasurer of $1,057.14. Mr. Buhrman, as treasurer, and the tax-payers of the county, are to be congratulated upon the excellent management of this important office. Instead of Botetourt being delinquent like some of the counties of the State, her finances are in a fine condition, as shown by the settlement. This information is of course gratifying to Mr. Buhrman, as well as the tax payers of the county. Botetourt's credit at home and abroad is gilt-edge and all warrants, properly presented, however large, are promptly paid upon presentation. " -
Daleville Community News December 16, 1971
A newspaper article of community news for Daleville dated December 16, 1971. It mentions Mr. and Mrs. Danny Dooley, Mrs. Justus Ikenberry, Mrs Margaret Hurley, Mrs. Gene Karnes, The Tinker Arts Group, Rhett Petcher, Mrs. G. W. Petcher, Richard Clayton, The Church of the Brethren, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilhelm. -
Daleville Elementary School
Daleville Elementary School opened in 1916. -
Deerdorff, Christina, n.d.-1824
An image of Christina Deerdorff's grave marker who died at the age of 84 years and 10 months in 1824. She was buried in the Brugh-Simmons Cemetery, -
Eagle Rock Community News
December 5, 1957A newspaper article of Eagle Rock community news, which reads
"Eagle RocK
I D Layman Speaker at Shiloh Club Meeting
Mr I D Laman of Daleville, president of the Roanoke and Botetourt Telephone Company, was the featured speaker at the meeting of the Shiloh Community Monday night. He told of the program of the Company in developing a modern telephone service in the County. A musical program was another feature. Plans were made for singing Christmas carols.
Mr and Mrs G. C Thompson of Eagle Rock and son Arthur of Alabama visited relatives in Indiana last week.
Mr and Mrs A B Honts of Front Royal, recently visited his mother, Mrs G E Honts.
The Mary McClung Future Teachers of America at its monthly meeting last week initiated the following new members.
Brenda Broughman, Mary Deisher, Barbara Deisher, Patsy Smith, Linda Zell, Carolyn Bradley, Angela Stinnett, Aupine McClung, and Sherry Ledford.
Mr and Mrs Milton Honts, Mrs Ralph Koiner, Beckley, W Va; Mr and Mrs Grattan Powell and family, Crewe; Mrs A M Wood, Mr and Mrs G E Honts, Jr, and family Eagle Rock; Mr and Mrs Harry Funkbourer and son, Natural Bridge; Maude Eloise Powell, Weathampton College; Lucy Wood, Ferrum College; Mr and Mrs Marshall Etzler, Troutville, were Thanksgiving guests of Mrs G E Honts, Sr.
George Ed Honts, III, visited his grandmother Mrs G W Bair, Beckley, W Va; during the holiday.
George Ed was guest speaker at the Buchanan Beta Club [...] week. He is the State Beta Club president.
Mrs G M Burhman, Sr., has returned from a visit with her son Charles and family in San Antonio, Texas." -
Eagle Rock Community News
February 21, 1929
A newspaper article of Eagle Rock community news, which reads
The senior class of the Eagle Rock high school gave an essay contest Monday evening, the subject being, 'An Ideal Progressive Citizen.' Miss Marjorie Flaherty won first prize and Mr. Kermit Saville second; prizes given by Moore Lime Co.
Mrs. R. L. Fletcher, Mrs. a. W. Burkholder and Miss Mamie Louise Fletcher spent Friday in Roanoke.
Miss Helen McNamara spent Thursday in Fincastle.
Messrs. G. M. Burhman and N. B. Rudisil spent Thursday in in [sic] Clifton Forge attended the G. M. Rudisil's sale of live stock.
Mr. Lamar Reid, and Misses Carrie Milton and Helen Reid motored to Roanoke, Saturday evening to see the basketball game between V. P. I. and W & L.
Mr. Colton Milton, of National Business College, Roanoke spent the week-end at his home here.
Mrs. H. K. Allen had as her week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Shafer and Walter Allen of Floyd Court House: Mr. Lindsay Allen of Ashland, Ky., and Miss Irene Allen of Haymakertown.
Mrs. G. H. Moody has as her guest, Mrs. W. Clark of Amelia.
Miss Eunice Myers has returned to her home here after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Bradfield in Bedford.
Mrs. M. V. Flaherty and Misses Florence and Ruth Flaherty spent Saturday in Lynchburg.
Miss Lila B. Deisher of Clifton Forge spent the week-end at her home here.
Miss Mildred Hill spent the past week-end with relatives in Roanoke.
A. E. Vaughn is spending the week in Blacksburg.
Mr. A. H. Myers spent Wednesday in Roanoke.
Mr. J. T. Brooke of Buchanan is visiting relatives in town.
Eagle Rock Community News August 29, 1907
A newspaper article of Eagle Rock community news, which reads,
"Notes from Eagle Rock.
Mr. Henry Finney, of the Globe Clothing Co., of Richmond, Va., is visiting at the home of his brother, W. B. Finney.
A party is being made up to visit the Peaks of Otter in early September.
Mrs. Tinsley and daughter Miss Louise of Richmond are visiting Mrs. Olphin of the Eagle Rock Hotel.
Our talented and popular Dr. J. L. Grubbs, is on a visit to his home, Riverton, Va.
Mr. L. F. Pendleton will take Mr. M. B. Morgan's place in the Bank, while Mr. Morgan takes a hasty run home.
Mr. Thos. Mowbray, son or Rev. Thos. Mowbray of Fincastle, met with a severe accident while jumping from a portico. Rev. Mr. Mowbray is now with his son, who is under medical treatment. We wish for the young man speedy recovery.
Mrs. J. D. Myers has been quite ill but is now much improved.
The only local institution in our midst is the Eagle Rock Bank, and our citizens are justly proud of its progress. Starting in a small way less than two and a half years ago, a recent statement shows deposits exceeding $87,000, and new accounts opening every day. Beside paying dividends, the Bank has an accumulated surplus of nearly $3,000. These results are largely due to Mr. M. B. Morgan, the genial and able cashier of the Bank.
Mrs. Hayth, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. B. Finney, has gone to Springwood, the home of her father, Mr. E. D. Mitchell.
COBB." -
Eagle Rock Community News December 12, 1957
A newspaper article of Eagle Rock community news, which reads,
"Eagle RocK
Robert Conrad Lemon, son of Mrs J C Lemon of Lick Run, is one of 25 students at W & L University to make the honor roll for the first Semester. He is a mber [sic] of Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journalism fraternity.
Mrs O F Reid of Danville is visiting her son Carroll and wife. Linden Reid of Roanoke was also a visitor here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomas of Fincastle, and daughter Linda spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs D W Brabley.
Virginia Burgess of Roanoke spent the week-end with her parents Mr and Mrs G G Burgess.
Mrs A G Peters has returned from a visit to her Uncle Warren Johnson in New York.
Mrs C D Bradley has been a patient in the C & O hospital.
Recent guests of Mr and Mrs J M Agnor were Arnold Agnor of Covington and Marion Agnor of Baltimore.
Frank Bradley, and his sister, Mrs R C Miller of Clifton Forge, recently visited relatives in New York." -
Eagle Rock Community News February 20, 1930
A newspaper article of Eagle Rock community news, which reads,
Miss Gaynelle Lackland spent the week-end at her home near Buchanan.
Miss Louise Vaughn was the week-end guest of Mrs. J. S. Myers, in Clifton Forge.
Eagle Rock high school met Troutville high school in a dual debate Wednesday night. The question under discussion was, Resolved: 'That the present jury system in the United States be abolished.' Eagle Rock's affirmative team, composed of Miss Louise Vaughn and Miss Ureyl Haymaker won a clean cut victory at Eagle Rock. The judges' decisions were unanimous in their favor. They were members of Clifton Forge high school. The negative team of Eagle Rock, composed of Miss Kathleen Crush and Mr. Milton Honts, lost at Troutville by a judges' decision of two to one. The judges, at Troutville were Messrs. W. A. Reid, Ray Rader and Mr. Shelton, all of Troutville.
The Young Peoples Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, South, met with Mrs. A. E. Vaughn Tuesday night.
Mr. A. E. Vaughn is in Blacksburg this week.
Eagle Rock Community News January 1, 1950
A newspaper article of Eagle Rock community news, which reads,
Mrs George Bollingee of Richmond, was recent guest of Mrs J/ C/ Owen and J. C. III had dinner with Mr and Mrs George Flaherty Chrismas [sic] Day.
Mrs. Ozella Nofsinger spent Christmas with her sisters in Roanoke.
Mr and Mrs A. E. Vaughn had as Christmas dinner guests: Mr and Mrs Max Madison of Buchanan; Mr and Mrs Roy Madison, Pulaski; Mr and Mrs Phil Vaughn, Fincastle; Mr and Mrs Freeman Torley, Bedford; and Mr and Mrs Charles Vaughn.
Ruth Simmons of Madison College spent the Holidays at her home.
Mr and J. J. Davis visited her parents, W. D. Flaherty during Christmas.
Mr and Mrs Jerry Lantz, Mr and MRs Woody Haslett and Ruth Flaherty of Washington visited Nelson Flahertys.
Mrs James Sutherland spent the holidays with relatives in Franklin.
Mr and Mrs Ed Robertson spent a short time in Lynchburg with his parents.
Rev and Mrs Luther Vann of Red Hill visited friends here Wednesday.
Rev and Mrs Robert Chadwick had dinner with the Melvin and Selma Simmons Wednesday.
Mrs Carleton Dauss and Mrs Ed Robertson gave a Christmas party Thursday night.
The Peck persingers were hosts at a New Year party.
Mrs Blanch Sutherland gave her bridge party at Christmas party on December 21. Gifts wer exchanted.
Mrs. W. C. Seay and Mrs Vera Anson had as Christmas dinner guests Miss Bella Hooper and sister of Baltimore; Mr and Mrs J. C. Owen and Mrs. T. Y. Craig." -
Eagle Rock Community News January 22, 1931
A newspaper article of Eagle Rock community news, which reads,
Mr. A. C. Myers is spending some time with his parents, at Norristown, Pa.
Mr. W. L. Reid, of Roanoke, spent Sunday in town.
Miss Grace Milton, of Iron Gate, spent the week-end at her home here.
Misses Janie and Janet Fisherty spent Saturday in Lynchburg.
Mrs. Walter Seay, of Roanoke, is visiting relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Myers, of Clifton Forge, spent the weekend with the latter's parents.
Mr. E. J. Brooke visited his brother, C. R. Brooke, at Waynesboro the past week.
The Parent-Teachers Association sponsored a book shower Tuesday night for the benefit of the school library. The school was the recipient of about ninety volumes and approximately sixty dollars in money.
E. R. Allen, D. I. Persinger, Misses Lelia Echols, Mattie Nofsinger and Lizzie Persinger attended the masonic banquet at Buchanan Friday night.
Mr. Colton Milton is visiting his brother, Mr. Wingfield Milton at Clifton Forge.
Mrs. Sands and Frank Sands spent Saturday in Lynchburg.
Miss Carrie Milton is visiting Mrs. T. J. Nofsinger at Clifton Forge.
Eagle Rock Community News January 3, 1929
A newspaper article of community news for Eagle Rock, which reads,
Mrs. E. E. Pullen spent some time with relatives in New Castle recently.
Mrs. A. H. Myers and Miss Helen Deisher entertained their class of Juniors Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Stull and children and Mrs. W. G. Loope visited relatives in town last week.
Misses Mamie, Louise and Gladys Fletcher, Gladys and Myra Flaherty, Mrs. J. C. Owen and J. C. Owen, Jr., motored to Clifton Forge Tuesday evening to see 'Romona.'
Mrs. T. E. Burch of Catawba spent some time with Mrs. J. D. Myers, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cash and daughter, Jean are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cash.
A. E. Vaughn, Jr. and Misses Louise and Clara Vaughn spent Sunday in Buchanan with Mrs. C. D. Stull.
A. E. Vaughn and James Vaughn were in Covington Monday.
Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Hoffman entertained the Senior League with a watch party Monday evening.
Mr. Roscoe Walker of Covington spent the week-end with Berkley Pullen.
Harry Simmons has returned to his home in Roanoke after spending some time with his grandmother, Mrs. J. M. Simmons.
Mrs. Clara Reid and Misses Helen and Agnes Reid spent Sunday with Mrs. C. N. Ruble at Oriskany.
Eagle Rock Community News January 30, 1930
A newspaper article of Eagle Rock community news, which reads,
Mr. F. W. Sheets, of Clifton Forge, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. William Haymaker.
Miss Annie Hendron Bell, of Warm Springs, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Bell.
Miss Elizabeth Petters spent some time with relatives in Roanoke recently.
Miss Lizzie Persinger, of Saltpetre Cave, spent the week-end with Miss Grace Milton.
Miss Nan Cahoon, of Clifton Forge, is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. A. Reynolds.
Miss Virginia Peters, of Low Moor, spent the week-end at her home here.
Mr. James C. Owen, Jr., is visiting relatives in Roanoke.
Hon. M. R. Morgan, of Richmond, spent the week-end here.
Messrs. O. E. Deisher and A. E. Vaughn attended the quarterly meeting at Glen Wilton Saturday night.
Mrs. Effie Zimmerman and little son, of Oriskany, were the recent guests of Mrs. G. G. Burgess.
The Eagle Rock basketball teams played Buchanan on the local court Friday night. The results were a victory for the Eagle Rock girls, while the boys were outclassed and lost to the visitors.
Eagle Rock Community News January 31, 1918
A newspaper article of community news, which reads,
We are still in the midst of winter weather. The ground has been covered with snow for almost two months and the most severe weather we have ever experienced since the winter of 1886, of which year Roanoke correspondent spoke recently. We lived about eight miles from the James at that time; but we have made inquiries of the older people of this section and they say that the James was frozen over with twenty-two inch ice for six weeks. The ice this winter was not so thick as that, but was 18 or 20 inches and continued about seven weeks, with no let up at this writing.
Our town was shocked on Thursday of last week by the announcement of the death of Mr. Evans Pullen. He had been very ill only a few hours and not many of our people knew of his illness. For several years he had some ear trouble and that seemed to affect his brain, which caused almost sudden death. Bro. Pullen leaves a wife, two sons, father and mother and one sister and five brothers and a host of friends. He was a leading member of the M. E. Church and a prominent member of Eagle Rock Lodge 354, I. O. O. F. After a sermon by his pastor, Rev. Mr. Scott, his body was conveyed to its last resting place by the members of his order. Bro. Pullen resided in this neighborhood all his life and was one of our very best men. How much he will be missed in our community and already in the family and church. He was R. F. D. carrier for several years and gave excellent service to the people on his route. The sympathy of everyone goes out to the bereaved family. He was forty-two years old.
Mr. J. W. Landis and wife and daughter have returned to their home in Chicago after visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mankey.
Miss Rella Hunger and Mrs. Nellie Rule and Chas. Hunter, of Rocky Point, visited the family of W. P. Mankey last week.
Mrs. G. A. Nichols and children of Clifton Forge, returned home on Tuesday, after visiting friends here.
Mr. George Saville, of Craigs Creek, killed two hogs last week that weighed 438 and 381, respectively. Mr. C. Owens of the same neighborhood, also killed a hog that weighed 453.
J. A. M. -
Eagle Rock Community News July 10, 1902
A newspaper article of Eagle Rock community news, which reads,
Miss Ethel Nichols, of Rockland, Me., is visiting her father Mr. G. A. Nichols.
Mrs. F. A. Butler is still quite sick at her home, we are sorry to say.
Miss Lula Mitchell, of Springwood, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Finney, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Noffsinger, of Craig's Creek, were the guests of Mrs. B. C. Owens yesterday.
Mrs. Corstaphuy is visiting her daughter Mrs. R. A. Barbee.
Quite a number of people attended the dinner and supper given by the ladies of the Baptist church on the 4th. The amount cleared was $90.44.
Mr. Lee Probst, of Lynchburg, is visiting at Mrs. E. M. Peters.
Dr. Ray, Sr., is visiting his son, Dr. A. C. Ray, of our town, this week.
Mrs. Dr. Jas. Bell and children are visiting friends in Fairfield.
Mrs. Lewis Zimmerman is visiting at Holcomb Rock.
Mr. Earnest Butler has secured a position with the N. & W. R. R., at Strasburg, Va.
There was a large crowd at Shiloh on the 4th, and all had a fine time, they say. Miss Gladys Biggers won a pretty bible in the Sunday School contest.
Miss Emma Bowyer as [sic] visiting Miss Mary Christian this week.
Rev. G. D. Kidner, of the M. E. church, preached a fine sermon to young men last Sunday night.
July 9, 1902. C. M." -
Eagle Rock Community News July 25, 1907
A newspaper article of Eagle Rock community news, which reads,
"Eagle Rock Notes.
Miss Louise Finch, of Roanoke, is here visiting her many friends.
Miss Linia Dameron of Lynchburg, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ownes.
Mrs. R. J. Mitchell of Cumberland, Md., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Finney.
Mr. Hubert R. Gatling of Petersburg, is here in the Eagle Rock Bank. This Institution is doing a constantly growing business under the able management of Mr. M. Morgan, cashier.
Mrs. Amy Weech, one of the foremost workers in the temperance cause in this county, is to address the folk of the community on the subject of Temperance.
Mr. R. P. Simpson of Fincastle spent Sunday with Mr. Spilter.
Mr. James R. Hannah of Gala, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. B. Bell.
Mr. Lyle McClung is at home for a few days vacation.
Mr. John A. Pettigrew, our enterprising furniture dealer, has the latest thing in rocking chairs. A fan attached to the chair, saves the labor of fanning one's self. All that is needed to perfect the whole business is a rock-her.
Mr. T. E. McLunis left for Washington, D. C., to meet his family, who will be making their home here in the magnificent residence lately completed.
Some improvement is being made on our walks. None too soon, and we cannot have too much.
An immense volume of business is being carried on here. The shipping of lumber has been quite an important item.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Elaherty are spending a little time at the old home place." -
Eagle Rock Community News March 21, 1929
A newspaper article of Eagle Rock community news, which reads,
Mr. Charles McCray of Charleston, W. Va., is spending some time with his sister, Mrs. J. W. Seay.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ruble of Roanoke, and Miss Annie Ruble of Oriskany, spent Sunday with Mrs. Clara Reid.
Dr. and Mrs. M. Edmond spent Monday in Roanoke.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Myers and Miss Eunice Myers were in Clifton Forge Sunday to see Mrs. J. S. Myers, who is in the hospital. Mrs. Myers underwen [sic] an operation for appendicitis Thursday.
Messrs. G. H. Moody and C. W. Watkins were business visitors in Fincastle Monday.
Miss Leila Echols has returned home, after spending some time in Cuba and Florida.
Misses Virginia Peters, of Low Moor, and Lila Deisher, of Clifton Forge, spent the week-end at their homes here.
The Senior class of the Eagle Rock High School entertained Friday evening with a party in honor of the Sophomores.
Mrs. J. M. Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brooks and little son, Elbert, were in Clifton Forge Sunday.
Eagle Rock Community Postcard
Postcards showing views of Eagle Rock. -
Eagle Rock Elementary School
Eagle Rock Elementary School opened in 1909. -
Eagle Rock High School
Eagle Rock High School. -
East View Elementary School
Image 1: East View Elementary School.
Image 2: East View Elementary student photo: Virginia Clarkson stands in front; In the second row left-to-right is Helen Rhodes, Sylba Grim, Eleanor Dwier; In the third row is Monte Cox, R.G. Clarkson, Manuel King, Palmer Lee; In the fourth row, Dorothy Rhodes, Dorothy Hogan, Tom Clarkson, Ruth Dwier, Bill Clarkson, Nellie King; in the fifth row there is Willard Hale, Lewis Clarkson, Gale Brickey. -
Farmers Supply Company
An undated black and white photograph of people, horses, carts, and buggies in front of the Farmers Supply Company. -
Fincastle - Troutville - Eagle Rock Telephone Directory
The Roanoke & Botetourt Telephone Company's Telephone Directory for Fincastle, Troutville, and Eagle Rock. -
Fincastle Community News December 27, 1928
A newspaper article of Fincastle community news. Also included are advertisements and notices for local businesses including Roanoke Jewelry Company and the Buchanan National Bank. The article reads,
Christmas greetings and all good wishes for the New Year to the Buchanan News.
H. T. Nelson of Washington, D. C., was the guest of E. B. Haythe at Haythe Hotel Tuesday.
Miss Mary Page Hobbs, daughter of Rev. C. Kelly Hobbs, who is a student of Lynchburg College, is at home with her parents for the Yuletide.
The 21st of December was the shortest day.
Miss Lucille Hilton of Salem, who is teaching school at Garden City, visited friends here the past week-end.
The Fincastle Baptist Church had their annual Christmas Tree Xmas Eve.
The Fincastle Methodist Church had their Xmas Tree Xmas night.
The Fincastle Presbyterian Church gave their pastor a good pounding.
The Christmas festivities will continue through the week.
R. Herndon Slicer spent Christmas day with his mother, Mrs. J. N. Slicer, returning to Roanoke Wednesday.
Thomas Miller of Salem, Va., and John Miller of Chapel Hill, N. C. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Simmons.
Rudolph Smith, a student of the University of Va., Charlottesville, is at home for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Anrich Bolton and family of Bentonville are visiting in Fincastle.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Austin and family are spending the holiday season with Mr. and Mrs. John Burger at Natural Bridge.
Mrs. Annie Austin of Fincastle attended the funeral of her brother-in-law, Thomas Wingo Johnson at the family home, "Draper", Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Hart and daughter, Miss Frances Hart will visit relatives in Fincastle during Xmas week.
The many cases of flu continue. Some sad deaths.
'May the beautiful and joyous' Christmas spirit remain with you throughout the coming year.
Fincastle Community News February 21, 1929
A newspaper article of Fincastle community news, which reads,
Rev J. A. Armstrong has returned home after attending a meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge at Richmond.
Prof. E. A. Painter made a business trip to Richmond last week.
C. H. Howell of Atlantic City, N. J., made a brief visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Howell.
H. M. Thrush spent the past week-end at his home in Front Royal.
Mrs. C. J. Beckley and Mrs. H. E. Dyer of Roanoke were the past week-end guests of Miss Mary E. Walshe at Haythe Hotel.
Miss Helen Williamson has returned from a visit to her aunt, Mrs. J. L. Swoope at Lick Run.
Mrs. J. D. Hilton was a recent business visitor to Fincastle.
Miss Frances Persinger spent the past week-end in Buchanan with Mr. and Mrs. Stull.
J. S. Wills of Fincastle was a recent visitor to Eagle Rock on business.
Miss Helen McNamara was a business visitor to Fincastle last Thursday.
F. C. Myers of Eagle Rock motored to Fincastle Thursday.
Prof. John Glasgow of Roanoke spent the past week-end with friends here.
Fincastle Community News January 15, 1931
A newspaper article of Fincastle community news, which reads,
Mrs. C. E. Hayth, of Springwood, sustained a painful injury when she fell on the ice last Sunday morning breaking her wrist.
Mrs. A. T. Waid, of near Fincastle, is confined to her home by illness.
Miss Beulah Moore has returned from a visit to her former home at Christiansburg.
Miss Jean Patrick, of Norfolk, spent several days last week with her father, N. R. Patrick.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Howell have returned from Atlantic City, N. J., where they visited their son, Mr. C. H. Howell and family.
Miss Ruby Zenick, of Washington, D. C., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Zenick recently.
Miss Gray Graybill, after visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. K. Graybill, has returned to Hollins to resume her studies.
Hon. and Mrs. M. R. Morgan of Eagle Rock, were visitors to Fincastle Tuesday.
Miss Juanita Nofsinger, of Stuart Circle hospital, Richmond, spent some time at her home here recently.
Miss Dorothy Housman, a student at the Union Memorial hospital, Baltimore, Md., spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Housman.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Simmons and children have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Miller, at Winston-Salem, N. C.
Fincastle Community News January 17, 1929
A newspaper article of Fincastle community news, which reads,
This section was visited by wintry blasts; dry and intensely cold here since the 12th.
Miss Bertha Bayard Galbraith, a student of Rider College, Trenton, N. J., who spent the Yuletime at her home here, 'Pine Lodge,' has returned to Trenton.
Mr. Francis Carper of Martinsville, called on relatives here last Sunday evening.
Mrs. H. A. Vansickler, who visited Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Smith last week, has returned to her home in Roanoke.
Miss Elizabeth Peters spent the past week-end with her parents at Eagle Rock.
The Fincastle High School opened here the 7th with good attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner McDowell visited Mr. and Mrs. Paxton Davis, at Winston-Salem, N. C., the past week-end.
Mrs. F. M. Housman has returned from a visit to Roanoke.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Wright, Mr. Matthew Wright and Miss Lennie Fellers spent last Sunday with relatives in Roanoke.
Mr. Benjamin Haden, who has been in the Jefferson Hospital, Roanoke, the past two weeks with flu is still improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nofsinger of Walkersville, Md., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kern at Springwood.
Mr. C. B. Camper, editor of the 'Fincastle Herald,' is still confined to his rooms with influenza, though is improving.
Jacob Marshall Frantz, 66, died at his home in Daleville, Sunday morning. Funeral services were conducted from the home Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock with interment in the cemetery at Amsterdam. Rev. J. A. Armstrong of the Fincastle Presbyterian Church, officiating. Those surviving are: Louis T. Frantz, Fincastle; Henry, Robert, John and Miss Fannie Frantz of Daleville.
'County Seat'" -
Fincastle Community News January 22, 1931
A newspaper article of Fincastle community news, which reads,
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Howell and Mr. W. M. Minter, spent the week-end in Christiansburg.
The Board of Supervisors of Botetourt county held their meeting in Fincastle Monday of this week.
Mrs. Susie Graybill left last week for Vesuvius, where she was joined by her uncle, Mr. Bird Mangus, for a motor trip to Florida and Cuba.
Mr. Wm. R. Allen and son, Jack Allen, of Buchanan, were business visitors in Fincastle this week.
Rev. J. A. T. Marstellar left for Pittsburgh, Pa., this week where he was called on account of the death of his sister.
The Botetourt county Red Cross held a meeting here Monday, which was largely attended by members and friends from practically every section of the county.
Mr. J. F. Shank, county game warden, was a visitor here this week.
Judge Benjamin Haden is holding court in Covington this week.
Fincastle Community News January 24, 1929
A newspaper article of Fincastle community news, which reads,
General Robert E. Lee's birthday was quietly observed here.
Everette Austin, a graduate of Fincastle high school is a student of the National Business College, Roanoke.
Benjamin Haden has returned home after being at the Jefferson Hospital, Roanoke, with flu, and is very much improved.
Nelson Austin of Zions Hill underwent a serious operation at the Jefferson Hospital, last week, but is getting on nicely.
R. Herndon Slicer, accompanied by Mr. Craig of Roanoke called on relatives in Fincastle Sunday.
Mrs. A. G. Simmons and children are visiting Mrs. Simmons' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Miller at Winston-Salem, N. C.
Miss Kate Lemon spent the past week-end with friends in Buchanan.
Mr. Herbert Thrush spent the past week-end at his home at Front Royal.
Mrs. Harry Eakin of Barbours Creek is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lemon.
Mr. and Mrs. King and Miss Kinzie of Roanoke visited relatives in Fincastle Sunday.
Mrs. R. L. Housman has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Hobart Scott at Roanoke.
The weather is changeable. After several warm days it is now blowing snow and cold rainfall.
Fincastle Community News March 7, 1929
A newspaper article of Fincastle community news, which reads,
Botetourt County Circuit Court convened here the 1st. Judge Geo. K. Anderson presiding still in session. The evidence has been concluded in the Dale murder case and at this writing the case is being argues. Court will be in session probably this week.
Capt. G. W. B. Hale and daughter, Mrs. Dalton Dillard of Rocky Mount recently visited friends here.
Miss Rowena Crush, a student of Intermont College, Bristol, spent the past week-end at her home here.
Mr. Frank Scott of Iron Gate, and son, Robert, of United States Navy, Norfolk Base, called on friends here Friday.
The Fincastle Unit of the Botetourt Garden Club was formed at a meeting of the ladies of this vicinity in the court house Thursday afternoon.
At the meeting talks were made by Mrs. Garland Hopkins, of the Roanoke Valley Garden Club and Prof. F. A. Motz, of V. P. I., extension horticulturalist. Officers elected were Mrs. H. S. Reid, president: Mrs. N. W. Plank, vice-president and Miss Rebecca Peck, secretary and treasurer. Thirty members were enrolled at the meeting.
R. Herndon Slicer returned Thursday from a trip to New Orleans, Houston, and Galveston.
Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Peck returned home last Wednesday from a month's visit to Sebring and other cities of Florida.
Everette Austin, a student of National Business College, Roanoke and Mr. Anrich Woodson of Salem, spent the past week-end recently with Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Austin.
Mr. Robert Day of Roanoke was in Fincastle Tuesday on business.
T. J. Wilson, of Clifton Forge was in Fincastle Monday.
Mr. Floyd Wilson of Clifton Forge was in Fincastle Monday.
F. W. Crush arrived here Friday evening from Le Feria, Texas.
This section has had heavy rainfall the past few days, followed now by extreme cold winds.
Fincastle Elementary School
Fincastle Elementary School opened in 1903 -
Fincastle from the air
An undated black and white photograph of Fincastle from the air. -
Fincastle Intersection of Main St and Roanoke St.
A black and white postcard showing the intersection of Main St and Roanoke St in Fincastle. Postcard is dated prior to 1928. In the image are signs for Fincastle Pharmacy Drugs, a butcher shop, and a restaurant. There is also a street light, which no longer exists. -
Finding What Has Been Lost: The African American Story in Botetourt County
Finding What Has Been Lost is an exhibit and video kept at the Botetourt County Historical Society And Museum. Images are of the accompanying publication.
The exhibit focuses on the African American History of Botetourt County. It lists historical African American families, churches, and schools in the area. Images include Old Fellows Hall, Academy Hill School, Academy Hill Students, Buchanan School and students, Amsterdam School students, Hughes High School students, a map of Botetourt County with key areas marked, and miniature trunks made by Mr. M. Lawson. -
Flora N. Brugh Memorial Meditation Garden
Two newspaper articles, the first of which details how the Presbyterian Women of Fincastle Presbyterian Church had accepted a design for the planned meditation garden.
The second details the dedication of the completed garden.
Fouts, Elisabeth, n.d.-1819
Elizabeth Fouts, consort of John, died February 19, 1819, age 22 years -
Fringers Store - Lithia
Image 1: A color photograph of Fringers Store -
Gala Elementary School
Gala Elementary School opened in 1888. -
Garst Mill
A black and white photo of the Garst Mill, which is no longer in existence. -
Genealogy Fair in Oct. will help folks 'Start Exploring Your Roots'
A newspaper article titled, "Genealogy Fair in Oct. will help folks 'Start Exploring Your Roots,'" which described a then-upcoming Botetourt County Genealogy Fair. The article reports sponsors included The Botetourt Genealogy Club, The Botetourt Historical Society, Homespun Legacy, the Fincastle Branch Library; the Virginia Room of the Roanoke City Public Library, and the Bedford Historical Society. Rena Worthen was the point of contact. -
Glebe Mill Elementary School
Glebe Mill Elementary School opened in 1916. -
Glen Wilton Community News August 20, 1953
A newspaper article of Glen Wilton community news, which reads,
Mrs Belle Honts, Mrs Lillie Bennett are visiting Mr and Mrs G. A. Honts.
Mrs J. P. Scott remain seriously ill in their homes.
Mr and Mrs R. H. Scrugs received word of the serious illness of their daughter Mrs Richard Nicely at Iron gate.
G. A. Honts who is employed in Hinton W. Va, spent the week-end at his home here.
Mr and Mrs R. W. Meador were guests of the M. G. Hodge family Sunday.
Alvin Riser was a recent guest of Mrs. Ed McCully.
The young adult class of the Presbyterian Church school enjoyed a picnic at Lakeside Sunday." -
Glen Wilton Community News August 27, 1953
A newspaper article of Glen Wilton community news, which reads,
Mrs Louise Burton of Lexington Ky. is visiting Mr and Mrs J. P. Scott, Mrs Scott remains ill.
Mrs Belle Honts is visiting her sister at Rich Patch.
G. A. Honts, employed at Ashville, Ky., spent the week-end with his family here.
Lawrence Simpson Jr., USN, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr and Mrs L. M. Simpson.
Mr and Mrs Jack Bulten of Richmond visited the Ed McCullys last week." -
Glen Wilton Community News August 6, 1953
A newspaper article of Glen Wilton community news, which reads,
"Glen Wilton News
Mrs V. E. Thurston who fell and fractured a knee last Friday is resting as easily as could be expected.
Mr and Mrs Lionel Barbee and family of Covington were guests of Mr and Mrs Lewis Sunday.
Mr and Mrs Ben Maydian of Longdale were visitors in the home of Mr and Mrs C. M. Reynolds Jr. Sunday.
Cecil McCoy son of Mr and Mrs C. R. McCoy has returned after spending a month in Richmond.
Louise Reynolds, and Miss Ricks of Clifton spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs C. M. Reynolds." -
Glen Wilton Community News January 9, 1896
A newspaper article of Glen Wilton community news, which reads,
"Glen Wilton.
Married, on December 18th, 1895, on Sinking Creek, by Rev. S. M. Bowman, Mr. Wm. Woodson and Miss Lillie Broughman, all of Botetourt County, Va.
On December 25th, near Eagle Rock, Va, by Rev. S. M. Bowman, Mr. Geo. W. Reid and Miss Maggie Jones, all of Botetourt County.
The ore mines at Princess or (Glen Wilton) Furnace are still on fire. The fire has gotten beyond the control of the miners and they have abandoned the different shafts that are on fire.
The new Methodist Church at Bethel is completed, this church was destroyed by fire on the 23rd of December, 1894. It was thought at the time that the church could not be rebuilt, but through the untiring energy of the Master and the liberal contributions of this community the church ahs been replaced in less than a year, and to the gratification of all, there is not one cent of debt on the church.
Mrs. White, of Lick Run, and Mrs. McCoy, of Glen Wilton, are both very ill.
Dr. Ball, of Salem, will preach at Bethel next Sunday morning at eleven o'clock and at Glen Wilton, at night. "
Glen Wilton Community News July 23, 1953
A newspaper article of Glen Wilton community news, which reads,
Mrs Virgie Musser has returned from the C and O hospital where she had been a patient.
Lewis Haslett is spending the week with his Aunt Mrs R. W. Meador in Roanoke.
M. G. Hodges W. L. Cline and Guy Wood leave Friday to attend the Men's Bible conference at Massanetta.
Virginia and Catherine Hayslett are visiting their Aunt, Mrs Mrs [sic] Arrington in Roanoke.
Mrs J. P. Scott remains ill.
Mr and Mrs C. M. Reynolds and family will leave Tuesday on their vacation in southwest Virginia." -
Glen Wilton Community News July 30, 1953
A newspaper article of Glen Wilton community news, which reads,
Sandra Witt of Lynchburg is visiting Mrs H. W. Wood and Mrs Dudley.
Mr, Mrs Herman McCoy are spending some time with relatives in North Carolina.
Mr and Mrs C. M. Reynolds, Jr. and family vacationed in Washington and Charlottesville and visited the Endless caverns.
Virginia Lewis and Catherine Hayslett visited relatives in Roanoke last week.
Guy Wood, M. G. Hodges and W. L. Cline have returned from Massanetta.
Barbara Simpson is visiting in Lexington." -
Glen Wilton Community News October 1, 1903
A newspaper article of community news for Glen Wilton. It reads,
"The season typified by Riley, 'when the frost is on the pumpkin ant the fodder's in the shock' is full upon us again there is no more pleasing sight to the rustic's eye than some of the valleys lying along the James, studded by the innumerable shocks of corn and entwined by the rich golden pumpkin, what encidents [sic] of boyhood's days is the vogue at present.
Large attendance at the services held in the M. E. Church on Sunday and sermons greatly enjoyed.
Some of our hunters have gone on a bear hunt to North Mountain. We hope it may prove more than a bear hunt.
Quite a number of our people took advantage of excursion rates to Lynchburg on Monday to do some of the season's shopping.
Mrs. Dr. Amiss has returned home.
Mrs. J. H. Callahan and Mrs. White of Clifton Forge spent Saturday as guests of Mrs. Wilton Cook.
Luke Rule spent Sunday here among acquaintances.
Our town was enlivened by a ball game on Saturday between a team from Iron Gate and home talent. The boys are a little sore -t he tally sheet didn't read right.
Walter Wood has taken up his studies at Blacksburg again.
Judge Simmons has quite a number of friends in this vicinity.
Mr. Henry Thompson is still very ill with chances for recovery against him. 'NOTLIW.'" -
Glen Wilton Community News September 10, 1953
A newspaper article of Glen Wilton community news, which reads,
Miss Matty Noffsinger of Montgomery W. Va spent Sunday recently with the M. G. Hodges.
Mrs L. D. Lacks and Mrs Duffy are teachers in the local school this year.
Mrs Ralph Ruble and daughter of Roanoke are spending some time with Mr and Mrs F. W. Hambrick.
Mrs Belle Honts is spending some time with her daughter Mrs Blanch Payne in Clifton Forge.
Billy Reynolds here had the misfortune to run a nail in his foot. He was taken tot he C A O Hospital for treatment." -
Glen Wilton Elementary School
Glen Wilton Elementary School opened in 1888. -
Glen Wilton High School
Glen Wilton High School. -
Graybill, John, n.d.-1818
John Graybill, 1818, August 22 (?) -
Groendyke Manufacturing Company
Color photographs of the vacant Groendyke Manufacturing Company buildings. The buildings previously housed the Virginia Can Company and Hafleigh Button Factory. -
Haden Road Cabin
Image 1: A color photograph of Haden Road Cabin by Daryl Reed Photography -
Hammit Farm
Image 1: A color photograph of Hammit Farm. -
Hammond, Lewis, n.d.-1828
An image of the gravestone for Lewis Hammond who died on November 10, 1828 at the age of 3 years, 8 months, and 5 days. He was the son of Peter and Margaret Hammond and was buried in the Brick Union Cemetery. -
Hancock, George, 1754-1820
Colonel George Hancock was born in Chesterfield County in 1754. He later relocated to Botetourt County where he practiced law, was appointed the rank of colonel, and served as Commonwealth's attorney. He served in the third and fourth Congress. He died in 1820 at the Fotheringay estate, where he is entombed. -
Haymakertown Community News March 24, 1904
A newspaper article of community news titled "Haymakertown Notes." It reads,
"We have had a long hard winter, and the farmers are behind with their work.
Our school is making a good average now, under the good management of Miss. V. M. Hammond. The school has had a hard time - first was broken up by the measles; then by a smallpox scare. Our Catawba correspondent spoke as though it was near Haymakertown and that there were five cases. He has been badly informed. We do not claim it is "near." Let that be as it may: the scare and small pox both are over.
Mr. A. F. Duffy left Monday on a business trip through the South.
Mr. H. L. Hammond was at hom elast Saturday.
Miss B. O. Gardner left New York on the 8th instant for a trip through the "Holy Land" and to attend the World's Fourth Sunday School Convention at Jerusalem April 18-20.
Mrs. H. L. Davis has returned from spending a week in Roanoke with her daughters, Mrs. Hartman and Mrs. Clemer.
Mr. C. B. Manges spent a few days in our neighborhood last week, in the interest of his box factory.
We hope to see work commence soon on our new school building. The site for it is a beautiful one, and in the center of four neighborhoods.
Mr. Lou Watkins, wife and little Mary spent a few days with his brother, Mr. J. B. Watkins, before leaving for Tennessee.
Mr. M. O. Jones and wife left this week for Oklahoma.
Mr. Phil. Brumfield is on the sick list.
Miss Gerna Lockett has gone to Auburn, Ill., to make her home. Many good wishes for her future welfare follow her.
Mrs. M. E. Sessler has returned from a few days' visit to her brother's family, Mr. L. E. Manges, on Mill Creek.
March 17, 1904. A. B. C. " -
Haymakertown High School
Haymakertown High School. -
High View Elementary School
High View Elementary School opened in 1900. -
History of the Cabin-Fort
Pamphlet titled "History of the Cabin-Fort." It details that William Hall built a fort-cabin in 1722 on Bear Run Creek. The cabin and 70 acres were passed to Andrew Hall, then to William Hall II, then to Lewis Hall. Lewis Hall sold the fort-cabin to William Burton in 1868. It was sold to G. V. Kramer in 1937, who moved the fort-cabin to Roanoke in November 1937.
There is also a tax record for G. V. Kromer for the property at 1246 Laurel St. Roanoke, Virginia.
A memo from Clare White dated June 24, 1997 states that the cabin was moved to the Kromer backyard at 1246 Laurel St, but it was falling apart when the Kromers moved away.
Alice Brickey provided this statement: "Kromer had the Hall cabin taken apart and moved to his home on Laurel Ave, Roanoke and reassembled it in his yard. I went down there 20 or 30 years ago and couldn't find any trace of the old cabin. George Kromer was thought by some to be a big blow-hard. The Halls of Catawba are my ancestors, the farthest back I know is William Hall, born in 1790's, father of Mary Hall Brickey. I don't believe that big story Kromer made up that the Halls were in Catawba in 1722. Attached is the Roanoke deed card for 1246 Laurel Ave, notice that George Payne, father of movie star John Payne, sold Kromer the land." -
Home in Springwood
Image 1: A color photograph of the home in Springwood. -
Hotel on Cedar Bluff
Image 1: A color photograph of the hotel on Cedar Bluff. -
Hotel on Indian Rock Road
Image 1: A color photograph of the hotel on Indian Rock Road. -
House at Rebecca
Image 1: A color photograph of the house at Rebecca. -
House behind Indian Rock Church
Image 1: A color photograph of the house behind Indian Rock Church. -
House in Springwood
Image 1: A color photograph of a house in Springwood -
House near Anderson Cemetery
Image 1: A color photograph of the house near Anderson Cemetary. -
House on Branchwater Road
Image 1: A color photograph of the house on Branchwater Road. -
House on Coffey Rd
Image 1: A color photograph of the house on Coffey Road. -
House on Craigs Creek Rd #2
Image 1: A color photograph of the house on Craigs Creek Road. -
House on Craigs Creek Road #1
Image 1: A color photograph of the house on Craigs Creek Road. -
House on Craigs Creek Road #3
Image 1: A color photograph of the house on Craigs Creek Road. -
House on Craigs Creek Valley Road
Image 1: A color photograph of the house on Craigs Creek Valley Road. -
House on Daggers Spring Road
Image 1: A color photograph of the house on Dagger Spring Road. -
House on Mt. Moriah and Old Fincastle Road
Image 1: A color photograph of the house on the corner of Mt. Moriah and Old Fincastle Road. -
House on Rolling Hills Rd
Image 1: A color photograph of the house on Rolling Hills Road. -
House on Tucker Farm Rd
Image 1: A color photograph of the house on Tucker Farm Road. -
Housman, George, n.d.-1826
An image of the gravestone for George Housman, who died on April 29, 1826 at the age of 21 years, 3 months, and 17 days. He was buried in the Brick Union Cemetery. -
Housmans Store, Springwood
Image 1: A newspaper clipping with a photograph captioned " Mr. and Mrs. Hub Housman stand beside the potbellied stove that warms their country store." -
Howry Town WPA Report
A Works Progress Administration of Virginia Historical Inventory report about Howry Town, which existed from 1795 to approximately 1825.
Owners of the town are listed as John Preston and Jacob Howry. Lots were deeded to the following individuals: Christopher Boyer; Christopher Smith; John Ronk, Frederick Wyman; John Poff; George Helper; Michael Minnich; John Hiner; John Carper; Frederick Shaver; Jacob Bishop; John Simmons; David Kessler; Chriatian Cartech [sic]; John Russell; Abraham Custer; Conrad Moure; Abraham Hepler; Reneman Hepler; Jacob Minnich; John Minnich; David Sink; Peneman Minnich. -
Hughes Hill Elementary School
Hughes Hill Elementary School. -
In Youth and Retirement, Botetourt is 'home'
Image 1: A newspaper article titled "In youth and retirement, Botetourt is 'home,'" detailing the lives of Dennis Lee and Lily Eulalia "Lady" Lucas. They grew up in Botetourt, but moved to the Washington, D.C. area for about 40 years before returning. They were married in 1942.
Dennis Lucas was born in 1918 and died in 2006. Lady Lucas (nee Slusser) was born in 1921 and died in 2005. They had two sons, Dennis Lucas, Jr. and David Lucas.
Image 2: Certificate of Marriage. -
Indian Rock Elementary School
Indian Rock Elementary School opened in 1886. -
Indian Rock Elementary School
Indian Rock Elementary School -
Indian Rock Train Postcard
This postcard shows a stationary train engine, four adults, and three children. The engine appears to be carrying wood. The postcard was postmarked from Indian Rock on March 16, 1910 by Grayden Hendricks, who ran a Dinkey Engine transporting logs from the North Creek area to the Sawmill in Arcadia.
From approximately 1905 to 1920, it was popular to develop your pictures into postcards, so it is possible this is a unique postcard.
There was a limestone quarry in Indian Rock that used a train that ran between the quarries and plant, but the postcard does not indicate if this train is related.