Eagle Rock Community News January 31, 1918


Eagle Rock Community News January 31, 1918
A newspaper article of community news, which reads,


We are still in the midst of winter weather. The ground has been covered with snow for almost two months and the most severe weather we have ever experienced since the winter of 1886, of which year Roanoke correspondent spoke recently. We lived about eight miles from the James at that time; but we have made inquiries of the older people of this section and they say that the James was frozen over with twenty-two inch ice for six weeks. The ice this winter was not so thick as that, but was 18 or 20 inches and continued about seven weeks, with no let up at this writing.

Our town was shocked on Thursday of last week by the announcement of the death of Mr. Evans Pullen. He had been very ill only a few hours and not many of our people knew of his illness. For several years he had some ear trouble and that seemed to affect his brain, which caused almost sudden death. Bro. Pullen leaves a wife, two sons, father and mother and one sister and five brothers and a host of friends. He was a leading member of the M. E. Church and a prominent member of Eagle Rock Lodge 354, I. O. O. F. After a sermon by his pastor, Rev. Mr. Scott, his body was conveyed to its last resting place by the members of his order. Bro. Pullen resided in this neighborhood all his life and was one of our very best men. How much he will be missed in our community and already in the family and church. He was R. F. D. carrier for several years and gave excellent service to the people on his route. The sympathy of everyone goes out to the bereaved family. He was forty-two years old.

Mr. J. W. Landis and wife and daughter have returned to their home in Chicago after visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mankey.

Miss Rella Hunger and Mrs. Nellie Rule and Chas. Hunter, of Rocky Point, visited the family of W. P. Mankey last week.

Mrs. G. A. Nichols and children of Clifton Forge, returned home on Tuesday, after visiting friends here.

Mr. George Saville, of Craigs Creek, killed two hogs last week that weighed 438 and 381, respectively. Mr. C. Owens of the same neighborhood, also killed a hog that weighed 453.

J. A. M.
J. A. M.
Eagle Rock
The Fincastle Herald
Eagle Rock, Botetourt County
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