Buchanan Community News August 29, 1907


Buchanan Community News August 29, 1907
A newspaper article of community news, which reads,


Mrs. Nellie McLeod of Washington, D. C., arrived on Tuesday on a visit to her brother, Mr. John T. Martin. Mrs. Eugene Stone and her daughters, from Richmond, are also visiting Mrs. Martin.

An entertainment for the benefit of the Presbyterian church was held last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. Z. Schultz. Net proceeds, I learn, about $20.00.

A number of our young people have been, and some now, are visiting the Exposition, among the latter being John Martin, Jr., Wyatt, Flippo, Sam Shepherd and others perhaps.

Considerable rain recently will be see [sic] on late gardens and crops. Fire not disagreeable, 'tis so cool.

A game of base ball between the Buchanan team and a traveling Indian team is booked for the 29th. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged.

Our main street is being greatly improved with a heavy coat of river rock and sand, over which will be placed a coat of small rock and gravel from the quarry below town, which when completed, will give us a good floe thoroughfare. The ditches, or water drains, have been opened out; so that we are improving along that line if in no other.

The writer, who is Scotch by descent, received this a. m. a beautiful souvenir card from his cousin, Miss Eloise Johnston, mailed August 12th, in which she says: 'We, (herself and sisters) spent a pleasant day in Kirkaidy, a great big city now of 30,000. We went through to the little church and saw the graves of our ancestors.' &c.

27th - The convention nominees of yesterday will, doubtless, give satisfaction. All good men. Let every Democrat go to the polls on election day and give them a [...] majority.

J. C. Stone, our C. & O. agent, spent last Sunday with his family in Richmond.

J. Z. Schultz has been carrying his left arm in a sling the past week, [...] by a carbuncle.

Miss Lila Harlan is visiting the Exposition.

Mrs. W. R. Beale has gotten home after a visit to the White Sulphur Springs.

Mrs. F. B. Schultz of Chattanooga, Tenn., visited at the home here of J. Z. Schultz last week.

Miss Bessie Layman left Saturday for a visit to Jamestown, Richmond and New York and expects to purchase her fall stock of millinery while absent. C. "
The Fincastle Herald
Buchanan, Botetourt County
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