Buchanan Community News May 25, 1906


Buchanan Community News May 25, 1906
A newspaper article of community news, which reads,


Quite a large assembly was in attendance at the Baptist church here on Sunday morning to pay a last tribute of respect to and attend the funeral exercises held over all that was mortal of Mrs. Katie Peters, who died at her home in the Back Creek neighborhood on Saturday. Mrs. Peters was a daughter of John W. and Judith Vaughan, both deceased, and was a little over 42 years of age. She professed faith in Christ in early life and was baptized into the fellowship of Buchanan Baptist church, of which she remained a consistent and devoted member until her marriage, when, upon her removal from her girlhood home, she took a letter of dismission and united with the Back Creek Baptist church, of which she was a member at the time of her death. She leaves a husband, six children, two sisters and one brother, with many friends who will greatly miss her.

Her funeral service was conducted by Rev. G. F. Cook, after which her remains were borne to the cemetery on the hill and laid to rest among loved ones who had preceded her. For the great comfort of her sad loved ones, she left evidence that it was "well with her soul."

At a sale on Saturday of the realty belonging to the estate of Morris Brown, colored, deceased, Jacob Kohen became the purchaser at the price of $490.00

Last week was an unfortunate one to several of our citizens. Mr. Dave Rogers had one of his feet right badly mashed by a heavy tie rail falling on it. He works on the C. and O. railroad.

On Saturday Mr. Sam Everett, C. and O. supervisor, in attempting to board a moving train missed his foothold, fell and one of his legs was broken between the ankle and knee. He was brought home on No. 9. Dr. Wysor came down on the night train and took him to the hospital at Clifton Forge on Sunday morning.

A little daughter of Mr. Charles Beekner fell off a box and broke one of her arms just above the elbow.

Mrs. W. J. Penn had two teeths [sic] knocked out by a base ball thrown by a colored boy, and young Mr. Sarber, brother of our editor, was struck in the eye by another ball.

On Sunday morning, the C. and O. train for Clifton Forge struck a cow belonging to a Mr. Kidd, and injured her so badly she had to be killed on Monday morning.

We are having a dry season, the nights and mornings being cool. Some appearance of rain this morning, which would be gladly welcomed. Corr."
The Fincastle Herald
Buchanan, Botetourt County
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