Bicentennial Pageant 1976


Bicentennial Pageant 1976
A newspaper article titled, "Pageant Highlights Events In Botetourt Celebration," with a photograph of people in costume. The caption reads, "Reading for 2 Centuries of History. Rosanna Painter and Cary Obenshain step to the minuet while Robin Davis prepares to scalp Braden Kinzie in rehearsal for 'Echo From the Hills,' Botetourt County's Bicentennial pageant, to be staged Tuesday through Friday nights."

The article reads,

"FINCASTLE - Botetourt County residents will look far into the past to review history from frontier days to the Space Age during their Bicentennial celebration this week.

Hundreds of former residents and many people from Western Virginia are expected to see a pageant and a parade, attend school reunions and special church services, join countrywide tours and a square dance and visit the county museum.

President Richard Nixon sent his 'warmest greetings and best wishes to you for a most memorable and happy observance of your community's 200th anniversary.'

The President notified George Honts, a member of the board of the Bicentennial observance, that he is unable to accept an invitation to attend the events of Bicentennial Emphasis Week.

In a message to the citizens of Botetourt, Nixon wrote, 'In the years ahead, I know that Botetourt County will record the same kind of determination that has characterized its past history.

'The role of local government is greater than ever. And never before have the contributions of your community been so vital to the progress and welfare of your country.

'Encouraged by your justifiable pride in our past achievements, may you extend your success into the '70s and may you help make this the decade of exceptional local participation in national life.'

The week opens Sunday with Religious Heritage Day observances. The Rev. Hugh White wills peak at James River High School and the Rev. Rus McCarter will speak at Lord Botetourt High School vesper services, both at 8 p.m.

The Botetourt County Historical Society museum behind the county courthouse in Fincastle will be open daily from 9:30 to 5 during Emphasis Week according to Rollin Smith, curator.

Graduates' homecoming day at 10:30 a.m., guided walking tours of Fincastle at 2:30 p.m. and a square dance for the graduates at 7:30 p.m. are planned for Monday.

'Echo From the Hills,' a locally staged pageant will be presented Tuesday and Wednesday at Lord Botetourt High School and Thursday and Friday at James River High, all at 8:30 p.m.

Thomas E. Reynolds, head of the board of the bicentennial, said more than 350 county people will be in the pageant and approximately 200 have worked on committees planning the celebration.

Other features of the week are a historical tour Tuesday, house and garden tour Wednesday and agriculture and industry displays at James River High Thursday from 1 to 6 p.m. Tickets for the bus tours are on sale at county stores and businesses.

The bicentennial parade is planned for Saturday at 2 p.m., followed by beard and costume contests and a ceremony of interment of mementos. A talk and fireworks are planned for Saturday night at 8. In connection with the observance, Miss Frances Niederer's book, 'the Town of Fincastle,' has been reprinted and will be sold in the county seat."
Town of Fincastle
James River High School
Lord Botetourt High School
Image; Text
Fincastle, Botetourt County
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