Blue Ridge Springs Community News December 22, 1910


Blue Ridge Springs Community News December 22, 1910
A newspaper article of community news, which reads,


The eleven-year-old son of Mr. George St. Clair, while out hunting last Saturday, had the misfortune to get his right arm very badly shot by the accidental discharge of a gun. Dr. S. H. Price was called in and rendered the necessary medical service. The boy after being shot walked several miles to his home, displaying great nerve and fortitude.

Great preparations are being made for a large Christmas tree at Glade Creek church on next Saturday night by the Union Sunday school of that place. Also, there will be a Christmas tree at Temperance Hall on Saturday night at 8 o'clock.

The organizations of the Ancient Order of Knights of the Mystic Chain, and the Odd Fellows will give an oyster and meat supper at Blue Ridge Springs Hall on next Tuesday night, December 27th. There will be both vocal and instrumental music and speaking by the best talent procurable. Mr. W. H. Spickard, our worthy post master, has added a new addition to his already commodious dwelling.

The continued cold weather has produced a fine ice season. Maj. Philip F. Brown, proprietor of the Blue Ridge Springs has filled both of his large houses with the finest ice he has been able to get for years.

Preparations for Christmas is the order of the day throughout this section.

Mrs. M. E. Rieley is very sick at this writing; also Miss Mattie A. Dooley is quite sick at the home of her uncle, Mr. M. L. Coalter.

Mr. John St. Clair of Charleston, S. C. is visiting friends here.

Mr. M. H. Rieley, relief agent for the N. & W., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Rieley, last Sunday.

O. F. Payne, A. B. St. Clair and M. L. Coalter went to Roanoke last Saturday on business.

Dr. B. H. Early, who has been in Ashville, N. C., for some time taking a course of treatment, has returned and was in town last Friday shaking hands with old friends.

Dr. W. O. McCabe, of Thaxton, Va., was in town last week on a professional visit.

A merry Christmas and prosperous New Year to THE HERALD and its many readers. M, L, C"
M, L, C
Blue Ridge Springs
The Fincastle Herald
Blue Ridge Springs, Botetourt County
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