Buchanan Community News December 9, 1971


Buchanan Community News December 9, 1971
A newspaper article of Buchanan community news, which reads,

"The Buchanan Order of Eastern Star No. 148, held its annual Christmas banquet, Sunday evening at the Buchanan Community House with an attendance of approximately 55. Mrs. Evelyn Brugh, worthy marton [sic] of the chapter presided. The program included a skit, 'The Masons Meet'. Participating were seven of the members, Mrs. Mary Hill, Mrs. Jean Watts, Mrs. Hazel Williams, Mrs. Darys Watts, Mrs. Patricia Shotwell, Mrs. Elaine Tompkins and Mrs. Elizabeth McLendon.

Mrs. Hazel Williams and Mrs. Elaine Green made fifteen small arrangements with the color scheme of green and white will be presented to the shut-in Eastern Star members and masons. Honor guests for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. James McGhee and two children of Roanoke.

Mr. and Mrs. Yorke A. Roberts of Richmond were here last week to visit Mr. Robert's mother Mrs. H. L. Williams, Mrs. Williams observed her 97th birthday, on Dec. 1, at her home here.

The women's Society of Christian Service of Trinity United Methodist Church will meet in the home of Mrs. J. D. Fitzgerald, president of the society on Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 2:30 p.m. for its Christmas program.

Members, parents and friends are urged to attend the meeting of the Buchanan Elementary School PTA on Tuesday, Dec. 14 at 7:30 p.m.

Friends are happy to learn that Mrs. D. E. Brugh is improving at Roanoke Memorial Hospital where she has been hospitalized for more than a week.

James Edward Eubank has returned to his home in North Babylon, Long Island, N.Y. after a visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Eubank. James is employed as an Air Traffic Controller at Kennedy International Airport in New York.

Mrs. Virginia Rideout of Washington, D. C. was the guest of her sister Mrs. H. G. Carson and family for several days the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Huffman have had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Laudermilk of Talcott W. Va. and Mrs. Elmer Logue of Bancroft, W. Va.

The Buchanan Christmas Parade held last Saturday afternoon attracted a large crowd of sightseers and was declared to be one of the best of recent years."
The Fincastle Herald
The Fincastle Herald
Buchanan, Botetourt County
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