Mark Evans Deed of Land to Peter Evans
- Title
- Mark Evans Deed of Land to Peter Evans
- Date
- 1792-12-6
- Description
- This record contains five handwritten document pages of a deed of land belonging to Mark Evans. Upon his death, his oldest son and heir, Daniel Evans, sold the deed of four hundred acres to one Peter Evans.
Image 1: “This Indenture made the sixth day of December this year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety two. Between John Neelly and Susanna his wife and James Neelly, a [illegible] his wife of the County of Botetourt, State of Virginia of the one Part. Peter Evans of the County and sale of one [illegible] of the other Part, Witneseth that whereas Mark Evans in his lifetime was leased [illegible] of true several tracts of land containing [illegible] hundred acres each adjourning each other separated by [illegible] being in the County aforesaid then Augusta County on the waters of Roanoke at a place called the naked farm
& whereas the said Mark Evans departed this life leaving Daniel Evans his eldest son & Heir at Law who by deeds of lease &[illegible] bearing date the tenth and seventh days of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty one, sold to this Peter Evans one of the tracts containing four hundred acres for the consideration of the sum of fifty pounds which said tract was situated in the County of Augusta lying on the waters of Roanoke called Cedar Spring at a place called the naked farm which said deeds of lease release was attended to record in the Court of Augusta County on the 16th day of November, 1751, approved by two of the Witnesses thereto whereas this Daniel Evans sold to this Peter Evans one other tract of land containing…” - Image 2: “...four hundred acres situated lying & being in the County of Augusta on the waters of Roanoke called the Cedar Spring at a place called the naked farm by deed of lease and release bearing date the tenth and Eleventh days of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty one for the consideration of the sum of fifty pounds which said deeds were admitted to record in the County Court of Augusta on the 16th day of November 1751, approved by two of the witnesses thereto. And whereas this Daniel Evans by deeds of lease & releases bearing date the eleventh and twelfth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred fifty one for & on the consideration of the sum of fifty pounds sold to this Peter Evans one other tract of land containing four hundred acres [illegible] lying and being on the County of Augusta on the waters of Roanoke at a place called the naked farm which deeds were admitted to record in the Court of Augusta County on the twenty sixth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty one & proved by two of the witnesses hereto as may more fully & at large appear by this, through several conveyances of lease & release already resided because being there unto had and whereas this Daniel Evans departed this life leaving two daughters Susanna Evans and Catherine Evans to whom the legal Title of the three several tracts already described [illegible] the care of Susanna Evans under marriage with John Neelly and this Catherine Evans with James Neelly. Now these John Neelly and Susanna his wife and James Neelly and Catherine his wife for & in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds paid by this Peter Evans to this Daniel Evans in his lifetime the recent where of is hereby acknowledged have granted. Bargained sold [illegible] unleased and confirmed by these accounts do bargain sell [illegible] this lease and confirm unto…”
- Image 3: “...unto this Peter Evans and his Heirs for ever, one certain tract of land [illegible] all lying and being in the County of Botetourt and State of Virginia containing four hundred acres of land lying on the waters of Roanoke River called Cedar Spring at a place called naked farm and founded as followeth to wit. Beginning at a white oak on a slice on the south East side of the head of the great Spring by this Mark Evans house and running thence north thirty five degrees east one hundred and nine poles. Crossing said Spring Branch to a white and black oak thence north thirty seven degrees west three hundred and twenty four poles to two white oaks. Corner to another tract of land and with a line of the same north west on hundred and forty five poles thence south eighteen degrees west two hundred and thirty one poles to two black oaks thence south fifty two degrees east four hundred poles to the beginning which said tract of land was granted to Mark Evans by patent bearing all the twentieth day of September on the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty eight. Also one tract of land containing four hundred acres granted to Mark Evans by patent bearing date the twentieth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty eight lying and being in the County of Botetourt then Augusta on the waters of Roanoke called Cedar Spring at a place called naked farms and bounded as followeth to wit. Beginning at a white oak on a hill above the big spring and turning thence east on hundred poles to a white oak and hickory thence south thirty degrees east sixty poles to a black oak thence south twenty two degrees east fifty poles to two white oaks thence south five degrees past two hundred and ten poles to a white oak thence…”
- Image 4: “... thence south fifty one degrees east one hundred sixty poles to a white and black oak thence north thirty nine degrees east [illegible] a branch forty poles to two white oaks thence north fifty one degrees west one hundred and forty six poles to two hickories thence north [illegible] sixteen degrees east one hundred poles to a white and black oak by a [illegible] and [illegible] on the same south seventy seven degrees east forty poles to two white oaks thence south forty seven degrees east forty eight poles to a white oak thence south fourteen degrees east thirty poles to a white oak thence south sixty degrees east fifty six poles to two white oaks thence thence north five degrees west forty four poles to two white oaks thence north fifty nine degrees west one hundred seventy four poles to two white oaks thence north twenty nine degrees east twenty four poles to a white oak thence north thirty five degrees east one hundred and seventy poles to a black oak and white oak thence north thirty eight degrees west eighty poles thence south fifty eight degrees west one hundred and eighty poles thence north sixty five degrees west eighty poles to a white and black oak thence south thirty five degrees west one hundred and six poles crossing the big Spring Run to the beginning also one other tract of land containing four hundred acres granted to Mark Evans by patent bearing [illegible] the twentieth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty eight [illegible] lying and being in the County of Botetourt then Augusta on the waters of Roanoke at a place called the naked…”
Image 5: “ founded as followeth to wit beginning at two white oaks on the north west tract of a branch of Caravies Creek and running thence south twenty eight wegrees west one hundred and ninety poles to a stone and white oak thence south eighteen degrees west one hundred and four poles, thence south east one hundred and forty five poles to two white oaks thence south eighty seven degrees east three hundred and twenty poles to a lake in clear land a [illegible] thence north thirty eight degrees west three hundred and thirty poles to the beginning to have and to hold this through several tracts of land already described this Peter Evans and his Heirs for ever with all and singularly the promised hereby granted and released and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances unto this Peter Evans and his Heirs forever and this John Neely and Susanna his wife and James Neelly and Catherine his wife for themselves [illegible] and each of their Heirs [illegible] and [illegible] the above mentioned tract of land shall and will warrant and afford to this Peter Evans and his Heirs forever of and to themselves their and each of their Heirs or any person claiming [illegible] them or either of them in [illegible]. We have hereunto set our hands and offered our seals the day and year first above written signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
John Neelly [seal]
Susanna Neelly [seal]
James Neelly [seal]
Catherine Neelly [seal]
Dane Mcnull
John Griffith
Jonathan Tosh
December Botetourt Court 1792
This Indenture of bargain and sale was proved in court by the oath of Dane Mnull, John Griffith, and Jonathan Tosh witness hereto [illegible] to be Recorded.
Julius Bowyer C136" - Contributor
- Katherine Harris Estate
- Format
- Image/jpeg
- Subject
- Estate
- Estate Inventory
- Last Testament
- Wills
- Botetourt County
- Type
- Text
- Coverage
- Botetourt County, Augusta County
- Item sets
- Wills and Last Testaments
Position: 274 (1 views)