Springwood Community News May 2, 1940


Springwood Community News May 2, 1940
Newspaper article of Springfield community news, which reads,

"Springwood Notes

Mr and Mrs A. N. Garrett and family have moved to Springwood to live. He is employed as station agent here.

Mr and Mrs A. P. Hayth, son and friends were recent visitors here.

Mrs Hugh Rader was a visitor in Lynchburg this week.

Mrs Tyree Thrasher, Mrs G. A. Rader and Mrs Otho Mundy were shoppers in Roanoke Friday.

Mrs Warren Yoro and two daughters Fatty and Cora Dove and her brother Frank Farrell spent the week end with their parents, Mr and Mrs J. E. Farrell.

Mr Lucian O'Conner, who has been ill for some time is improving slowly.

Mrs Bob Slusser and Mrs Teakford Wickline and sons were visitors Saturday of Mr and Mrs W. C. Kern.

Mrs Lacy Caldwell and son Warren spent the past week with her parents Mr and Mrs C. B. Mundy, of Covington.

Mr and Mrs Robert Meadows of Covington, Mr and Mrs Raymond Caldwell and sons and Miss Nellie Haymaker were visitors at the home of Mrs Frank Meadows Sunday.

Mr Jack Kern Jr., the son of Mr and Mrs Charlie Kern is suffering from a throat infection

Miss Juanita O'Conner was a soloist from Buchanan high school to Eagle Rock. She also attended the State music festival at Radford.

The Springwood Baptist church has had a week's study course for the Sunday school and B. Y. P. U., taught by their pastor, Rev D. E. Murray.

The Home demonstration met at the home of Mrs W. C. Kessler, and had an enjoyable time.

A miscellaneous shower was given at the home of Mr and Mrs Murphy Thomas, for her sister, Mrs Leo Bowers, formerly Miss Nadrine Kern of this place. Many guests were present, and had a good time. Refreshments were served.

Mr and Mrs Bowers will make their home at Cedar Bluff."
The Fincastle Herald
The Fincastle Herald
Springwood, Botetourt County
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